Congrats Paul, very nice frags.I was fortunate enough to be a big winner at this month's NJRC meeting. Here are the pieces I picked up. Sorry for the quality, it's my little point-n-shoot camera, and this is right after a dip in Bayer and fresh water.
1. Unknow Zoa from Ultimate Corals....sorry, it's so PO'ed from being dipped, can't begin to tell what it is.
2. Favia from Ultimate Corals
3. Montipora (Jedi Mind Trick) from Ultimate Corals
4. Chili Pepper Montipora from Matte
5. War Coral form Matte
6. Lime Pocillopora form unknown donator.
Now I need to find a spot to put these guys in my tank.
.......... Will or would the end result of calcium carbonate have any ill effects if dosed like it was calcium chloride?
Could this be a result of using driveway heat vs BRS calcium or the like?
5 years for a long nose is amazing. I remember these guys and copper bands would never last long. What's the secret?
I've actually had the long nose since 2008.....and I don't know what the secret is. I've actually tried copperbands two times, and refuse to kill any more of these fish. I just couldn't figure out the copperbands.....and the crazy thing with both was that they ate in the LFS but refused to eat in my tank. My long nose butterfly eats everything....including nuri from the algae clips when I feed the tangs.