• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Issues/comments on new changes.

Dealing with spammer is a never ending game. I believe our system is now using a newer spam filter which is helping to cut down the spammers.

Right now I believe @Edwardw771 and @kschweer handle the spammers and they do a pretty good job at keeping them at bay.

Some of those settings may be helpful but also harmful. They could cause frustration for a new member who might decided not to join the club.

I think at this time the best thing to do is flag a post as spam if you feel its spam. You can do this but clicking the 'Report' button.
OK. You bet I will! Thanks! :)

Sent from my shoephone using Tapatalk while in The Cone of Silence


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
While spammers really annoy me it's nearly impossible to stop all of them without sacrificing some things. By making the process of becoming a member longer/harder we would loose new members, by limiting what new members can do we loose content and new members are discouraged from posting. We have installed new software for spammers which as it "stops" spammers it gets better at doing so by remembering things about them and "flagging" the account when it sees these things again. So far it seems to be working well. Before the new software I would say I was removing 8-10 spam posts a day but with the software it's down to 8-10 a week which is much more manageable