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It has arrived.............. OMG, this is scary

JerseyWendy said:
Thanks a million Mike, Phyl, and Ironhorse. :)

Before I answer Ironhorse's questions, I want to share something with you all. Today I received my very first tattoo. This is something I've been wanting to do for years, but was always extremely hesitant, especially since Alex was dead-set against it. Well, so much has happened in my life over the past few years, and after careful deliberation, and many hours of coming up with the right design, and even more careful selection of a good tattoo artist, I finally took the plunge.
Here it is, 1.5 hours after it was completed, and still shiny from the lotion:

It's a picture of a Japanese tree peony, the plant that got me addicted to gardening 4 years ago. Ok, my passion (other than reef keeping) is roses, and I grow nearly 3 dozen of them, but I needed to come up with something you don't see every day. So there, that's the story behind the picture.

Sorry for the sidetrack everyone.....just wanted to share something a little personal. :-[

Ironhorse, I wanted to stick with a 3' sump (aquarium that I convert into a sump) because I wanted enough room left under the stand for a container with automatic top-off (Kalk dosing), and possibly later on a Calcium reactor. Sure, I would have liked nothing more than to put a 75 in the stand, because the more volume the better, but in my case I needed/wanted the extra room. Hopefully it'll do its job. :) If not, I will definitely get a bigger sump.

The compartment sizes are determined by what's being kept in them. I like filter socks, but I like for them to stay in place, too. Therefore I built a VERY primitive thingy out of eggcrate, to keep them in place. The next compartment houses the skimmer. I'll be using an Octopus PRO 300S with a predetermined footprint and built the bubbletrap baffles accordingly. (The bubbletrap baffles are spaced 1.25" apart) The third compartment will be used for my sand/algae/rubble rock. I find that part of the sump VERY important and made it as big as humanly possible. It should hold about 15 gallons or so. The last baffle is for the return section, will house the heater(s), and includes the bulkhead leading to my return pump (Quiet One 9000). Instead of building another set of baffles I opted for one baffle, in which I drilled about 200 holes. Now evaporation will take place evenly in my return and refugium section.

I hope I answered all your questions. :)


PS. The sump I built for my current 75 is pretty much identical, other than being smaller. It has worked very well for me, so I adopted the same design.

Nice tat Wendy!! Welcome to the addiction 8)

Now stop playing around and finish your tank LOL
Thank you all a bunch. :)

Sorry, I have no pictures right now, but I did purchase the rest of the plumbing supplies yesterday along with a pond liner that'll go in the cabinet before I put the sump in. JUST in case there's ever an accident. Once the liner's in place we'll do the manifold (is that the right word????) for the hard plumbing, move in the sump, attach the soft plumbing, and that should conclude the adventure of finding the right plumbing pieces. The folks at Lowe's and Home Depot go running when they see me coming into the store. :-X

Wendy, nice tatoo, beautifully done art. I used to know a gal who had a monkey reaching for a banana on her, uh, chest, and it was badly done, and not a good spot. She was sorry.
Thanks, Jim. :)

Alex took yesterday off and helped me put the sump in the stand, and he started with the plumbing. By mid afternoon he'd had enough. This is how far he got:


... tight fit


By 3PM he had gotten this far.

He also put the fans into the hood. It looks like this:

Still have to touch up the screws with magic marker.

I'm not sure whether we'll be able to finish the plumbing over the weekend because on Sunday Mike's going back to college. :'( But Alex is off all next week, and we should be able to get a lot done then.

Thanks for the pics Wendy.. Helps me understand better. From reading along, am I right in this order of the sump/fuge( looking at pix)as you described in a prior post:
Left hand side - return from main tank to filter socks into
Center - skimmer then through baffles to
Right - refugium for LR, algae and sand than to:
Far right bubble trap with heaters,leading to bulk head to return pump.
I am curious why you chose to use an external return pump...

Yep, you're right on Ironhorse. :) I actually wasn't planning on using my pump as an external one, but once I saw how big it was I wanted it outside, so that I would have much more space for the refugium.

Thanks for the response...
I also highly endorse the pond liner concept. . . Proper Planning prevents P*ss Poor performance - 8)
(Is the liner free floating (oh, bad punn :( ) or secured into the stand with a framework to keep the sides up?)
It's not free-floating, no. We already attached it via wood to the back (staples), but can't do the front until we're done with the plumbing, and put the beam back in place so we can frame it there.


What Kind of Silicone are you using? im taking down my 30 hex and putting up a 40 rect. I want to make a refuge but not sure which silicone to use.

WOW Wendy,congrats on the new tank,keep posting pics...in my next life I wanna come back as a coral or bird at Wendys..lol Oh and by the way...kewl tat :)

Well I have my 40 gallon up. I have 10 gallons of water in it. and have 2 pumps going to mix the salt up. Tomorrow, i will be transfering everything out of my 30 into the new tank. Built the refug today, and my overflow box will be here Friday. So i will have the refug up and running saturday. Tomorrows gonna be fun chasing down the snails and stuff LOL
LOL Tony. Thank you. You are so sweet.

Mike, congrats on your upgrade. You'll be loving that extra room.

Well, unfortunately my update is a sad and frustrating one. Alex finished the plumbing today, and while I was out and about to get 4' more spa-flex, he did a test run. When I came back home, I knew right away something was up because of all the towels and T-shirt inside the stand. Alex told me there were numerous leaks, despite his best efforts to prime and glue everything so thoroughly. Not only that, he asked me to plug in the return pump so that I could hear just how quiet the "Quiet One" was. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you it sounded like you're next to a jackhammer when I plugged that thing in. :eek:

So....all that work for nothing. All the plumbing is gonna have to be redone. I need a new pump, as neither Alex nor I will live in a house wearing earplugs.

I did some quick research, asked some questions, made some phone calls, and by this evening I will have a new return pump. Alex is on his way right now to the Hidden Reef to pick up an Iwaki MD-100RLT-115. Probably not the cheapest thing on the market, but I was assured it WILL be quiet and it WILL be efficient.

Tomorrow is another day. We'll have to tear everything out and start the plumbing all over. But tomorrow we're gonna take time to play, too. We're going to see Billy Idol at the Stone Pony. ;D

Wish us luck with the new adventure. Hopefully things will go right the second time around.

Thanks, Mike.

Well, so far today Alex has torn out the old manifold, made his first run to Home Depot, came back with a bag of "goodies", laid everything out, figured out what he was missing, and is now on his way to Lowe's.

We also did a test run on the new Iwaki pump, and are thrilled at how quiet it is. :)

Thanks Bax, yes, I have no regrets with the new pump.

As a matter of fact, Alex finished all the new plumbing. NO leaks! ;D Everything's working like a charm. As soon as I get my camera back I'll take some pictures.

Thank you all for your continued support. :)



NJRC Member
Glad to hear everything is working. ;D Can't wait to see the pics.

I was envisioning my setup this weekend and you had me panicking for a bit. :p