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Jgraz's Finally a Proper Tank 90 Upgrade

Thanks guys. I went DIY cause the stock stands are just really low. I wanted to be able to see into this without having to bend over. The down side is that to get into the tank I'm gonna be needing a step stool nearby. Plus this kind of slowed the build down a bit. But I'm itching to move forward. Hopefully soon I'll have made up my mind on a sump. Probably gonna get one made by Jeff(Custom King) on Manhattan Reefs. Just waiting to make a decision on which one I want. Both are acrylic and ate about 27 gal full and run at 15 gal. I would love to have a bit bigger but these would leave me room in the stand for top off and other equipment. What do you guys think of these.
This one uses a 4" sock

This one a 7" sock.

The 7" version has a slightly bigger refugium.
Also waiting to hear back from another guy on Manhattan Reefs that does glass sumps. Same size but might be a good bit cheaper and closer for pick-up. Thanks for looking and for the compliments.


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What kind of top off unit are you looking at? Hoping we can compare notes. Im in the process of trying to DIY mu own unit.

Personally... I like the 4in sock design....
Leaning towards the autotopoff.com.
I've heard nothing but good about them. And for the most part they are much cheaper.


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It's not that hard to diy a sump. 29 gal might work. With the ato you can make the return section small.
I personally don't like custom kings work. I've seen leaks in ato containers and sumps. Your better off getting a trigger systems sump or one from advanced acrylics. Eco systems has nice ones as well. Price will be about the same
I was trying to find a website for advance acrylics and found nothing. As for trigger. I was considering them also. Any contact info on advance acrylics would be great if you have it.


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Yeah he built a frag tank for dnov99 that is stunning, but his customer service can be less than stellar, like way less than stellar.
Yeah I've been reading nightmares about that. I can't find him anywhere.
I was able to get ahold of the guy on manhatten reefs that I was shooting for.
Rkaragozler. We've been talking about the sump. Tonight. Im gonna go that direction. The sump is gonna be 30"x16"x16". I will leave me just enough space for a top off 5 gal tank or bucket to use as a top off container.
Here's his email address adv.acrylics@yahoo.com. His customer service was fine. Me and 2 more cousins of mine had no issue. He called us we discussed the design, he built it and sent it with Darren's frag tank. His work is top notch. You just have to be patient. Have him call you to discuss its easier that way
Quick update

Still gotta do second coat on doors.
Light is on. TEK 8 bulb. These legs are flimsy. I'm gonna hang it anyway.
Skimmers in. SWC 160 cone.
Sump is ordered and getting built. Gonna go with a guy on manhatten reefs. Rich(Rkaragozler) make glass sumps. That's what I wanted. That's what I got. Best thing is I only pay for glass and silicon. Can't beat it.
For flow I have decided to start with 2 mp10's, and my koralia 750's from my other tank. I will remove the 750's later and add another mp10. I just can't afford 2 mp40's. So I figure this is the next best thing. It should offer me plenty of flow. Rock is ordered from reefrocks.com. Haven't decided on sand yet. Got it narrowed between Fiji Pink live sand or a 50/50 mix of Tropic Eden reef flakes and mini flakes. Well that's it for now. Thanks for looking.
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Staff member
I think running both mp10s at full with your return pump with the koralia you will be fine (you might even be able to drop the koralia). We have used exclusively Fiji Pink in our tanks and are very happy with it, heavy enough not to become a sand storm but light enough it won't trap gunk.
Im thinking the same with the mp-10's. Its really a stopgap until I gather the funds for the mp-40's which may be some time.

On the update front, it just seems to be a waiting game. I got the sump and stone ordered. Im getting the stone from ReefRocks.com. Ive used it before and love it. The only problem is that the guy who runs the place works at his own pace and at this point it seems to be slow. Also ordered my sand, Tropic Eden reefflakes and an ATO from autotopoff.com today. Im hoping to have everything come together before I leave for vacation that way I can get the first week of the cycle out of the way while im gone. thats it at this point. More to come.
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We have rock and sand.

I still have a full bag of tropic Eden reef flakes left over. Premium Aquatics recommended 4 bag, 120lbs. I bought 3 and only used 2, 60lbs total. That gave me about 2.5"-3" all around with a few deeper area in the back of tank. That should be plenty for any fish I add, for the most part. By the way this sand is awesome. Highly recommended. Still waiting on my sump. For the time being I'm gonna start off with a 15 gal tank I have laying around, then when the sump comes in I'll just switch it.