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Jgraz's Finally a Proper Tank 90 Upgrade

just drop ~90ml of pure ace hardware ammonia in the tank & leave for the week. should be the strongest new bacteria you've ever seen by the time it's done.
I went with the shimp because, well it just seems more right to me. I know most just use the ammonia, and I know its safe, but it just does sound right to me. I not gonna be stocking fast so Im not overly concerned about getting heavily colonized just want to make sure it wont die off while im away. I probably just add a couple more shrimp while im gone.
haha come to the dark side! I've got ammonia if you just want to put a small dose in. I'm close enough I could drop you off a small bottle for any future tank use :) I've got the equivalent of a lifetime supply for the LI aquarium :) my 90 will be the 5th tank i've used ammonia for(2 fresh, 3 salt) I love how simple & clean it is.
but the bacteria won't die off in a week just drop in half of whatever you dropped in to start your cycle(if you don't want the pure ammo) & you'll have no problems
Pretty colors. If I wasn't leaving on vacation I'd be working on the tank this weekend.
Just noticed that in the pic it looks as if I still have ammonia. I don't its just the crap camera. But doesn't matter anyway, im leaving. gonna add a shrimp to keep the bacteria going while im gone.
Well I got the sump last night. Spend today getting it online.

Now all I have to do is wait for my ATO to get repaired. Also got to install the reactors, but I'm still waiting for the media to come in anyway. Also picked up a few nice additions for the scape while I was in Ocean City.

And Pipe organ skeleton

Gonna order the CUC today that should be here on Tuesday. In the meantime the transfer begins tonight.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The sump and the whole under stand area look really clean and organized. I love my SWC skimmer, I think you will be happy with yours.
Thanks Mike. Still gotta add some stuff down there. Once I'm done I gotta get something to clean up the wire mess. Plus I still need to hit home depot to find a nice fixture to get that lamp closer to the water.
Looks good John. I think I'd install a union on the top of the pump, and then add the ball valve on top of that. That was if there are any leaks around the ball valve, they will be into the sump, and not take out your power strip.
Quick update.
Got my CUC from reef cleaners yesterday and added with no issue. It is absolutely insane how much the send. Also got my ATO back and hooked that up without issue.

Now I just have to add the dual reactor then I can clean up the wires. I have also transferred most of the corals. The rest gets transferred this weekend. Pics to come after the transfer is complete.
Well transfer is complete. Coral is doing great. Fish are a bit stressed though. Mostly they just seem to be finding themselves new hiding spaces. Still got some diatoms but the CUC is working hard. Now I need to find some new fish, suggestions anyone.
Enjoy the pics.

LPS and clowns. These were not easy to move. The clowns were not happy and constantly buy me as I went along.

Hippo in hiding

One of my favorites



And just some random corals



Thanks for looking.
looks awsome john...

Thank you.

Quick update. Got the refugium stocked. Cheato courtesy of Darren(dnov). Thank you very much.


Now just need to get one of those LEDs from reef breeders that him and Kevin are running.
Also picked up a nice Hawkins colony that I split with Darren. He was nice enough to care for for a couple of weeks.

Still needs to color up a bit. But it's a nice one.
Otherwise, everything is still doing great. Only problem I have is placement at this point. But that will come around.

Also been tossing around ideas for my next round of fish. After much research today I've definatly decided on a melenarus wrasse. That's one. Planning on a small if I can find one. Also I have been wanting a six line wrasse since my first tank. So I'm considering that also. What other wrasses could I put in here? Also what other suggestions does everyone have for stock. I currently have two Ocellaris clowns, hippo, kole, and a blue spot watchman. My wife really wants a yellow tang. I know I'm pushing it with 3 tangs, but I may have no other choice. Besides its better then her other choices which are a clown tang and blonde naso. I had to explain that neither are gonna happen. Anyway all ideas are welcome. Thank for looking.