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Klir Filter vs Clarisea vs Rolltermat

Similar results here on my skimmer. I think this is pulling out gunk that my skimmer usually removes.

For the Klir, I think it's been advancing the roll too aggressively, so I put it on a timer. Will watch water level and up it if it seems too little. It still ends up being more changing than I'd do if I was going manual socks.

No obvious change in tank for me. Still lots of particles in water, new fish poop, bits of seaweed, sand kicked up, etc. To my eyes, no major change since adding the filter. 100% of overflow water is going through it.


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I’m amazed that this thing can hold the full siphon of my tank reduced from 1.5 to 1”. The herbie is still dead quiet and no issues. The roll is advancing quickly but I assume this will be good till all the gunk is gone.

In meantime tank is pristine and the water is like a reflection

Also I was cleaning my glass everyday. And now I have not needed to clean it in 3 plus days !!!!
Definite positives. So far
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Absolutely correct, that's Boxer. He's actually my neighbor's fish, but he had to move and wasn't able to set up a tank for him in the new location. He might be with me for a few years, so hopefully he's comfy. He's very personable, comes up and peeks out the top of the tank when I'm working on it, spits water sometimes. And he's always out, never hides. Great fish!

And thanks! I'll have to create a tank thread. It's a bit past six years old now, but it's about only about 6 months in this state. Had major hair algae, flatworm and cyano issues over the years. No quick fixes, just consistent water changes, giant skimmer, algae scrubber, biopellets (might phase them out), and now this Klir. I have a ton of bioload now with Boxer, 4 tangs, a foxface, etc, system seems to be handling it.
I looked at the Theiling's full size rollermat (the one BRS used in the 52 weeks of reefing). It's even limited to 500gph, but you can put it externally so can divert flow around to keep your desired turnover or put multiple in parallel if room isn't an issue.
It's usually overflowing as I put it on a timer. I think it might be clogging with bacteria slime. Not sure what to do.


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The clarisea. Is going welll the float switch seems to be working well. But I do not have it on a timer


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I think I’m become a fanboy of this unit.

I plumbed my 180 herbie setup (the full siphon) line directly to the unit. It took it and then some. And the tank is still dead silent and the siphon resets everytime. So this does not have any restrictions. In terms of flow
Yeah it has a sensor. For me, it is clogging so fast that it blows through the roll in a couple days. I'm going to get the official bracket which allows partial bypass. Maybe I'm just running too much flow.
I like both units but if you can't get a couple months out of a roll they really aren't worth it. I buy new filters socks every year for $50. I keep a couple of the good old ones and throw the rest out. I have 13 socks and my sump holds 3 and they last about a week. When I am on my last set I put them in the washing machine with some bleach. Pretty low maintenance. The klir 4 inch is $13.99 a roll if you have to change it every month thats $167 a year and the clarisea is $19.99 that's $239 a year.
Plus the cost of the units thats a lot of filter socks.


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Dirty roll just finished. So last initially two weeks. Hoping this roll last a lot longer. Since it’s done it’s initial cleanup already.