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Let’s build a tank

Happy wife, happy life.
Equal time on tank and furniture :oo:
Well it’s been awhile since I did anything to new setup,, so this evening I set the baffles in the sump where I want them,, tomorrow I’ll silicone them the finish silicone in the MT,, then drill new holes in back,, get some sand then I’m ready to switch out tank with setup I have running now
That should be hell of a project
Well it’s been awhile since I did anything to new setup,, so this evening I set the baffles in the sump where I want them,, tomorrow I’ll silicone them the finish silicone in the MT,, then drill new holes in back,, get some sand then I’m ready to switch out tank with setup I have running now
That should be hell of a project
Hey hey it is time for an update so today I took the tank outside and I put about 8 inches of water in there because I wanted to test it and make sure there was no leaks after I have sealed the holes that were drilled in the bottom anyway so far so good there is no leaks and there better not be I used a tube and a half of silicone (over kill)
As I was getting ready to set up to drill out the holes the person who had backed out on me originally all of a sudden called and said that he would swing by this afternoon to drill holes. I was so happy that he called I said of course I would love if you came here and did this because I’m not shame to admit it I’m still scared ha ha so anyway by the end of the day the tank will be basically ready for a swap out I guess I should start rinsing my sand and crushed coral
Hey hey it is time for an update so today I took the tank outside and I put about 8 inches of water in there because I wanted to test it and make sure there was no leaks after I have sealed the holes that were drilled in the bottom anyway so far so good there is no leaks and there better not be I used a tube and a half of silicone (over kill)
As I was getting ready to set up to drill out the holes the person who had backed out on me originally all of a sudden called and said that he would swing by this afternoon to drill holes. I was so happy that he called I said of course I would love if you came here and did this because I’m not shame to admit it I’m still scared ha ha so anyway by the end of the day the tank will be basically ready for a swap out I guess I should start rinsing my sand and crushed coral


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I am getting so much closer,,the holes are drilled nothing broke it was a huge success very very happy and the sand and the crushed coral are all rinsed and spread out to dry a bit,all that’s left to do is the swap,, that’s going to be a circus
I am getting so much closer,,the holes are drilled nothing broke it was a huge success very very happy and the sand and the crushed coral are all rinsed and spread out to dry a bit,all that’s left to do is the swap,, that’s going to be a circus


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Free hand
I also started building my LG scrubber I had a design in mind and I fashioned it and I took it for a spin to see if it’s actually going to work before I committed and I’m pretty pleased with the results I believe it’s going to work just fine. I made a horseshoe figure along the back down the two sides with piping the top of the pipe I have a large fitting for the water to enter it will travel thru pipes and out holes I drilled on the bottom,, the water flows nicely out the holes like a shower
I painted it black it’s drying now and I’ll install tomorrow


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What kind of paint did you use ? May not be advisable to have latex or oil in constant contact with salt my leech stuff into tank.
It’s window tint all on outside of tank,, just a thought I had to block sunlight from windows
If u ment algae pipe it’s rustolium spray paint non latex it will sit on edge of frame above water line, and I’m gonna use the outflow hose from UV light to feed it water in large opening on top of the pipe,, still have to get screen material
If u ment algae pipe it’s rustolium spray paint non latex it will sit on edge of frame above water line, and I’m gonna use the outflow hose from UV light to feed it water in large opening on top of the pipe,, still have to get screen material
Well a lot of things to do in order to swap tanks,, not sure where to start ,, going to really take a step back and take inventory of situation then go from there
Well a lot of things to do in order to swap tanks,, not sure where to start ,, going to really take a step back and take inventory of situation then go from there
Hey if anyone has time off from work and are bored I wouldn’t say no to a little help switching these tanks
Very kind of you, just might take you up on that offer I’ll be in touch gonna start warming up water tomorrow morning
Wife put monkey wrench into my plans by offering to let me put my new tank in the formal living room,, I mean she doesn’t let anyone even to look in there let alone walk in there. But I have to admit it’s a perfect spot. I just have to move sponges tank to another location. Plus it would make ale swap lot easier. Mmmmmmm what to do, there is few drawbacks to it also main problem the color
Living room is a light green mist ocean blue combo with nice dark green carpet and tank is oak wood color
I’m nuts enough to change cabinet color to match room will set me back week which is no big deal


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Wife put monkey wrench into my plans by offering to let me put my new tank in the formal living room,, I mean she doesn’t let anyone even to look in there let alone walk in there. But I have to admit it’s a perfect spot. I just have to move sponges tank to another location. Plus it would make ale swap lot easier. Mmmmmmm what to do, there is few drawbacks to it also main problem the color
Living room is a light green mist ocean blue combo with nice dark green carpet and tank is oak wood color
I’m nuts enough to change cabinet color to match room will set me back week which is no big deal
So today is the day I’m going to get started doing my switch this morning I have started all my prep work I took most of the things out of the sump,as in the UV filter pump the return Hose,grow light for refugium and the heater,, the only thing I left in there is the return pump and the protein skimmer until I’m ready to remove it also bought in several empty buckets to save some old tank water and then brought in several buckets of new ocean water My wife’s living room is upside down and I told her go away for the day until I’m finished.
Always darkest before the dawn
So today is the day I’m going to get started doing my switch this morning I have started all my prep work I took most of the things out of the sump,as in the UV filter pump the return Hose,grow light for refugium and the heater,, the only thing I left in there is the return pump and the protein skimmer until I’m ready to remove it also bought in several empty buckets to save some old tank water and then brought in several buckets of new ocean water My wife’s living room is upside down and I told her go away for the day until I’m finished.
Always darkest before the dawn
OK It’s afternoon time and I’ve done quite a lot of prep work and final cleaning the sump is basically ready for a switch over I do have a question how long can a sump go for with out an allergy scrubber or Chito in the future area before it causes a problem in the main tank do I get a day to two days a couple of hours what is my timeframe on that
my biggest fear at the moment is the movie of the rocks a very good percentage of my corals are not on frag plugs but rather attach directly on the rocks so moving them as you can see would be quite detrimental to their survival so everything needs to be set to where the rocks with coral on it now or positioned in the proper spot to encourage proper growth I also have two more beautiful rocks that I have been cycling for over two months to add to my new tank and I have to figure out where to put them along with my dottyback
that I have swimming around by himself right now in the 10 gallon tank
So any suggestions on how I should go about the removal and assembly of the new rocks and what kind of timeframe do I have to accomplish this project I have a lot of shrimp and hermit crabs and other invertebrates such as bristle stars in things that live in my rocks and I do not want any of them to parish all advice will be greatly appreciated