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Mike's 315 Gallon Build

It will take some work if I want to keep the bottom black, but im going to try to let most of it get encrusted with montis, chalices...
It looks really good Mike. I like the high side on the right. I also like the 3 little lagoon type areas you have.


Officer Emeritus
I think you should let high end Zoas cover the entire tank bed. It would take a while but look amazing.

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The finish line is finally in sight. Last week marked 10 weeks fallow. It actually went by much faster than anticipated.

About 5 or 6 weeks ago I had another round of losses I in the hospital tank. I lost two wrasses and my regal stopped eating within a few days of doing a large water change and upping the CP dosage. There were no visible signs of illness other than the regal passing a worm. There is some anecdotal evidence of wrasses not handling CP well. As a precaution I'm going to observe the remaining fish for at least another week or two before I reintroduce them to the display.
The fallow period has been tough on my sps. Without the fish and feedings some have lost color. I started broadcast feeding with reef roids two weeks ago to try to provide them with some nutrition. My skimmer pump also died two weeks ago which maybe wasn't a bad thing lol. At least it happened about a month before the warranty expired and aqua cave has sent me out a new one.

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Yep I added an 80 watt Emperor Aquatics UV back in August. I don't think that it would have prevented this but may have helped with the severity.

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I'm happy to report that the fish are back in the display after about 12 weeks of going fallow. What survived was a diamond tail flasher wrasse, line-spot flasher wrasse, orange back fairy wrasse, leopard wrasse, desjardini tang, ocelaris clown and a firefish.

I've already started the process of restocking. This week I picked up a pair of randall's anthias, a coperband butterfly and a tiny potters angel. They are all in my 50 gallon qt and doing well. The copperband is gobbling down black worms. The anthias and potters are just eating brine at the moment. I'm hoping that I can get them transitioned over to frozen during the next two months that they are quarantined.

Now for the next problem. Over the past year I haven't had the best PE on my sps. Most started coming around as my parameters stabilized and I started feeding occasionally. There were two or three that didn't seem to improve though. I looked at them with a magnifying glass the other night and it appears that I have some redbugs. I've always dipped everything with a Bayer solution but it doesn't kill eggs and a few must have slipped through. I pulled those frags out and dipped them again. Luckily I have a little left over interceptor that we never gave our newfy. It sounds like they are relatively easy to deal with. As soon as I can capture and move most of my inverts, I'm going to do three rounds of treatment.