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Well took me an extra week. So everything is knock on wood going well. Had a small feeder pump issue. Guess I needed to clean it cuz it stalled. Have had a bit of brownish algae...could be different food or the skimmer being on the fritz for a while.
Did pick up a duncan at OGII last night what a deal single frag with discount..well cheap.
So without further delay.
How he got out at the end? PS gorgonian was shedding as you can see later it is usually very purple.
My CB Bangaii.
candy cane at of my first corals...started off with 5 heads now is about 13.
Hammer time
Red Sand Mystery Acro...tell Phil and me what it is.
LHSide shot...was actually a parade of fish...they were following each other around the tank a bunch of times.
So looking forward to getting a controller this month, thinking of going with the AC Jr. and one of the hydor pumps too better feed my skimmer. That is going to be my big tank purchase.
I am trying to take a break from working/checking my's great to look at your fish and tank!!!!
holy cow that back wall is like corralline heaven. ;D
That is a great pic of that frag. I placed mine in a torrent of flow and now the polyps aren't out. Mine is like a dark brown. It has some nice long ugly algae growing on the disc too. Joy...let's just say you won't see any pics of it anytime soon.
Heck if it does well in your tank - you can have my other frag.
Holy Smokes!!! 3 months I stink.
You all thought I wasn't even in the hobby anymore...oh yeah all my annoying posts. ;D
So I took some pics before but my bro-in law was here and he took some so I will use his for now get some more later once I get the white balance under control.
Have to thank him again camera so he had some time on his hands.
Before the pics I struuuuugggglled with some summer algae outbreak. Tank got too warm and blammo red crap algae fight was on. Lost two heads on a green trumpet but that was it. Got a fan temp is down and most of the algae with it.
So got the AQjr setup and "programmed" before vacation. Unfortunately not all is quiet right so it is running the daytime lights, temp probe, and PH probe. Need some time to get it all worked out.
Also replaced some bulbs that came with the original unit. (Catalina Aquarium)
I am running mostly UV bulbs now with couple Giesemann.
Giesemann Super Actinic, UV Actinic White, 460 Slimpac Blue(got a Ice Cap deepwater blue to replace eventually), UV Aqua Sun 10K, UV Actinic White, UV Super Actinic, UV Aqua Sun, and Giesemann Super Actinic.
OK so have to say either the just upgrading from the stock bulbs or the 460 blue is the bomb. Maybe some combination of the two. The Slimpac Blue has great color crappy par, thus next go round will try the Ice Cap.
I have some of the other Ice Cap bulbs for the next round of replacement. I rotate 4 out at a time.
I am pretty close to Bill's colors....always a driving factor. Also made my nieces yellow finger nails glow like crazy.
Also brought some live sand back from Sanibel so added that to my fuge, tried some coquina little bivalves but think something ate them, rest of my live finds were all predatory so left them in FLA.
The tank is just over one year old at this point. Lot of the corals were from last years frag swap as well as the clam so if you go back to first couple pages you can check out the growth in a year.
Thanks for looking.
After taking a few months off, after my new setup failure, I've finally got my 120 up and running and a few weeks ago started adding fish and coral. woohoo.
Thanks Jim, where besides a reef board would you be pleased by someone telling you your water is clear? ;D
Nope no fighting at all, unless you count tug of war with nori sheets. I have fought the urge to add any more fish even though it is not really heavily stocked. If it isn't broke as they say.
Well Macna was huge huh, great event wish I had caught more lectures, OK any lectures. :-[
I did speak to a bunch of vendors like ESV, Rods Food, Hydor, TECO, and few others that I use their products or services.
I am sure I learned a lot from them.
So I have been watching Bill's dialog on surface movement, actually believe we had a similar speach two frag swaps ago right?
Going to consider reworking my power heads. I did have great circulation in my nano with circular motion at the surface. More on that as I listen in.
So here are some pics with actinics. Yeah my photo skills stink.
Now last year at the frag swap my wife got a derasa at the frag swap from saltwatercritters. Jim gave her great advice and she really loves the clam...maybe as much as anything in the tank.
Here is the growth after one year.
Well as you can see you can certainly keep a derasa under T5 with great growth.
So my wife saw some maximas at MACNA and Jim had a really nice one that my wife liked.
Because of our great sucess last year we decided to give it a go.
I feed phyto and the maxima is actually on a thin piece of LR that you cannot see under the sand, it sort of got covered over. I figure if I don't see growth I can move it up. The derasa was the same size last year. Jim has had this clam for a while so it is used to T5 lighting which is part of why we went with them again.