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New tank

Been a while since I have updated tank info.
Tank is doing well. Just added Achilles tang the other day, he is eating like a beast.

Still have a few things to do:

Set up natureef system, really looking forward to getting this up and running.
Download fusion for Apex (yes still haven't done that, been lazy)
Hook up the two apex fish feeders, had them for about a year it seems.
Fix outer row of T5's, they stopped running for some reason, did continuity test had to order new end caps.
Relocate dosing pumps.

Other than that not much else lol


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Glad to hear the tank is doing well Hans!! Do you have the natureef system already? Keep us posted on how it works out for you.

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I got it about a month ago, but ups sucks and cracked it. So the replacement one got in a week or so ago. Unfortunately I haven't had any real time to set it up. Hoping to do so soon.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Looks great man!!! I have always liked the look of the black sand.

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Officer Emeritus
LOL f hat's what happens when you use talk to text and don't bully I read the post. LoL that's too funny. My apologies if I offended anyone LOL

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Hans...Looking Good!!! Mine is finally up and done and cycling now...one more trip from Hockeynut to wrap up the cabinetry....and in anmmonth or so post some pics....hopefully with fish and corals going in....


Officer Emeritus
Apparently that happens as well.
Big fingers with a tiny keyboard and sun blindness while fishing is the Raritan. BTW I saw a small shark maybe 5 feet long. I could easily make out the dorsal and tail as it lumbered it way through a school of bunker. It was pretty awesome to see.

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I will try to upload some more pics. I am not sure why the pictures keep coming up so small. I will try to upload the on my desk top.

I will also post pics of natureef system when it's up and running. July and August are super busy months for me. And this August I wil be turning the big 40 so I may need a week to recover from that night lol.
So natureef is up and running. Order two triton test kits. Doing one as soon as they get in and one a week or two after to get a real reading on what I will be needing to dose and how much.

Coral and fish update. Added an Achilles tang and a few more lyre tail anthias a couple weeks back. Tang eats like a hog (thank god lol).
Jason verna and I got some real nice frags at Macna. Currently I think we have about 15-20 frags in his frag tank. Wanted to be safe and make sure there was no problems after setting up natureef, so figure we can frag some pieces of those corals when the get a little bigger and water is tested accurately.

I will post some pics soon.
Triton test came back today. Most things were fine except PO4 was rediculously high and same with phosphorus. Also aluminum was above acceptable level, but I think that was from the phosguard. Although the phosphate was about .51 (yes as I said rediculously high) all the corals and live stock look great. I am going to let the natureef run and keep testing po4. I have another triton kit that I am planning on sending out in about a month to see what I have lost in terms of elements and what I will have to dose.
Al was 104.80. Normal level according to them is 2.0.
Just looked and my lithium. Was way high to. 443.10 and the recommend 200.

I used Red Sea coral pro so I will have to check on their label to see what it is with new mixed water