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Rob's time for an upgrade 180


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What kind f overflow it that.....liking it.

Pete, that's a Herbie Overflow. What I find interesting.....and nicely made....are the 90 degree corners that were bent. I've never seen that before.....very interesting. I'd like to know who made it!


NJRC Member
Overflow was made by modular marine on e bay out of Texas it is awesome and it runs 1600 gph with durso but with herbe or bean much more don't know the exact numbers right now but more then I will ever need.
It is only 1.5" in the tank x 4" deep and I have to drill two 1.5" holes in the tank also I asked them to make the 3 drain holes 1.5" instead of 1" and there was no additional charge good customer service


Daren I need Some input on the de nitrifier I would like to incorporate one in the new system and I'm not sure if it should be setup from the start or not.

Rob, you dont have to set it up right away, but I would do it about a month after the tank has been running with inhabitants.


NJRC Member
Thanks Darren, hey scoots not sure of a date yet when I have the glass I might be able to narrow it down.
Another goodie from tony scoots:
Thanks Tony :)
Just need another bag, this stuff is really nice and has different sized pieces in it including some pretty large to help bind the smaller grains


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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
View attachment 11458

That stuff is great. Just used 60 pounds of it in my new reef. Scavengers are good with it, nassarius are good with it, and it doesn't blow around, even with the gyre at 80%.
Would advise a good rinse though it seems quite 'dusty'. I put a few scoops in a bucket, rinsed with tap until semi-clear, then did a final rinse or 2 in RODI. Virtually no haze when added to the tank and water was crystal clear the next evening.
Mark don't worry he knows from the cloudiness in my tank.... It was miserable trying to aqauscape because the water was so cloudy :frown:... I never rinsed it and just went for it.... Lesson learned lol..

I used to use Pink Fiji which was the worst choice ever. Sand use to go over everything. Never again.....

This is the only substrate i will ever use from now on, but rinsed first lol :)....


NJRC Member
I'm planning on a boi load of fish that borders insanity :)
I mean I have 17 fish in my 90 now and I think I will be in the high 20s in the 180 unless I have all large fish then the number will be less so I need a monster skimmer