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Rob's time for an upgrade 180


NJRC Member
I could really use some opinions here. Still having problems sps still RTN ing I'm really lost here.
Alk has stabilized at 8.5. Nitrate 0, phosphate .09, ammonia 0, cal 440, mag 1350, sal 1026 calibrated, temp 77 to 78 when halides on. Halides only on 2.5 hrs per day and 16" off water. T5s on 12 hrs
Any ideas?
All looks good but something is not right.
I took a coral that was doing bad put it in Adams tank and within 2 days is looking good almost back to normal. So something is defiantly off.

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
That's strange rob. Fish and other corals still doing well?

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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Two things come to mind, and I will avoid making an immature boobie joke.

First is the glass. Was it factory coated in a light oil? Any possibility of a residue?

Second is current. I lost 2 or 3 corals and had an anem split and bleach then didnt see again. only when i had a small cut on my hand could i feel a sharp sting in the tank. Good hand couldnt feel anything, it took the cut on the other hand to make it notceable. Tracked current back to pump, replaced it under warranty, corals then doing great and 2 bleached anems came out of hiding.


NJRC Member
Current is a thought I don't feel anything and I have 3 cuts in the past 2 days on my right hand LOL. I will put a tester in the water tomorrow I can't find mine so I will buy a new one.
As far a oil tank was washed with vinegar and I have been running carbon.
I have to check but will silicone continue to be a problem after curing?
I only ask because that is one of the new things in the tank new baffles in sump. I used pure GE silicone with no mold inhibitors.

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NJRC Member
Thanks Paul, silicone is GE 1 not 2 so I guess I will eliminate that.
Next is the voltage test I think I will also test nitrite to see if there is any sort of cycle going on ammonia read 0 yesterday but I going to test everything I can.
I think I will also do a 30 gallon WC tomorrow after testing and also change out my carbon. I re tested my nitrates tonight and they were 10 I use sallifert Mark tested nitrate for me yesterday with Red Sea and got a result of 0
I think the sallifert is probably closer to what it really is.

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NJRC Member
On a happier note lookie what came today :)


I hope to have my cal reactor up and running this weekend

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
There is no need to test nitrite. Nitrite is of no concern for saltwater creatures. Even if you see it's there, it has no impact on the tank.


NJRC Member
Can't remember but it was a couple days. Two or three for sure maybe longer.

I figured I would test all I could but if nitrite is no concern I will move on to the next variable

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Officer Emeritus
Rob. Maybe it's because your nutrients in the new system are so low. I know that in the 90 you ran what most people consider high nitrates. Maybe the sps is getting peod because of the sudden death drop in nutrients.

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Officer Emeritus
what does your skimate look like? that skimmer is a beast. You might be over stripping the water.


NJRC Member

Skimmer was emptied yesterday morning I thought this could be the problem also but not sure it would have this kind of devastating results. When I took down the 90 nitrate was around 20 yesterday they were 10
I actually set up a timer to skim 12hrs on and 12hrs off and didn't push the button to run it. Was afraid the tank would get mucked up to fast I have 19 fish after all some of them good sized

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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The problem with Alk spikes is that they corals can go days and even weeks later. SPS is a finicky coral and alk spikes can be a killer, I know this from experience.


NJRC Member
A little update,
Tank seems to be doing better alk has stabilized at 8 nitrates are at 10 and phosphate was .09 as of yesterday. I have been doing 20 or 30 gallon water changes every other day or so to bring phosphate and nitrates down and it has been dropping both slowly.
Skimmer has settled in also and is producing nice skimmate it was dark and dry but I turned it up and have been skimming wetter to try and help with the nitrates.
Fish are happy and healthy and balance of corals seem to be doing better :)

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