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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer

Paul B

NJRC Member
Having an old tank has unique problems. Not healthwise but things grow in tanks and keep growing. Things like bristleworms. They are great scavengers and kind of benign when small. But they keep growing and can probably get a foot long.,

That is the reason I can't keep clams or most crabs any more except hermit crabs. When an invertebrate sheds, the bristleworms can most likely smell it and they attack the helpless animal. Especially arrow crabs which are very susceptible when newly moulted.

Occasionally I trap them but the really large ones can't fit in the trap and if I make a large trap, the fish and hermits will go in.


diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Having an old tank has unique problems. Not healthwise but things grow in tanks and keep growing. Things like bristleworms. They are great scavengers and kind of benign when small. But they keep growing and can probably get a foot long.,

That is the reason I can't keep clams or most crabs any more except hermit crabs. When an invertebrate sheds, the bristleworms can most likely smell it and they attack the helpless animal. Especially arrow crabs which are very susceptible when newly moulted.

Occasionally I trap them but the really large ones can't fit in the trap and if I make a large trap, the fish and hermits will go in.

I have the same problem

Paul B

NJRC Member
I walked on the beach this morning and finally the sun came out as it has been raining and foggy every morning. Like this yesterday.
Foggy beach walk.jpg

Today looked like this
Beach sunrise May.jpg

I tried to save this horseshoe crab but he found out he can't live on dry sand for very long and all the CPR I did didn't help.

Horseshoe crab.jpg

He was relaxing in this very long tidepool and forgot that the tide goes out.
Tidepool on beach.jpg

I also found a fish that looked like someone over quarantined

Dead Fish.jpg

Paul B

NJRC Member
I had to bring in my Jeep for a recall to change the Catalytic converter. Ever since then I have a rattle that drives me crazy. I don't want to bring it back because I would have to leave the car for a couple of days and the same Jibini will probably work on it. So I had to drag out my ramps that I hardly use once a year and jam myself under there.

Getting up is getting harder every year.

Jeep on Ramps.jpg

Paul B

NJRC Member
I just went and collected water from a beach. I got a little stuck on the beach in the soft sand but I got out. I don't have to do anything to this water as it is crystal clear. Normally I have to filter it as it is green with all sorts of floating garbage in it but this time I am not doing anything to it except heat it. It's 65 degrees, salinity is .020 and the nitrate is the same as my tank. 10.

I only collected 20 gallons and I will add 20 gallons of fake sea water because I know there is a lot of fertilizer in our seawater here and I already have enough algae.


Paul B

NJRC Member
This morning, I went to Calverton National Cemetery to place American Flags on the graves of Veterans who have passed away.
This is the largest Military Cemetery in the US and every grave will have a flag on it. (I think)

This was last year but I was with the same people so I didn't take a picture so just make believe I took this today.


Paul B

NJRC Member
I found the rattle in my Jeep. A few months ago it was recalled for the catalytic converter. To remove that they had to do it from underneath and Jeeps have a rock guard that protects the oil pan. It has about 7 bolts holding it on and is a heavy piece of steel about 2' wide.

The Jiboni's in Jeep left off at least 4 bolts and broke one in the hole so it has to be drilled out.
They are a weird metric size almost a 7/16th SAE bolt but not quite. I have a lot of Metric bolts but not that one and being it's Memorial Day, Jeep isn't open.

Tomorrow I will go back to Jeep to get some of those bolts. I don't want them to "fix" it because I don't trust them.
If they give me a hard time and want me to leave the vehicle with them, I will just go to a hardware store and buy the stupid bolts. This is a pain to fix because besides leaving off 4 bolts, the thing is on slightly crooked so some of the holes don't line up so I have to loosten all the bolts and drill out the broken one and use an "easy out" on it. I am to old for this nonsense but broke one of my rules by letting them work on my car.

The thing was recalled so it was free but nothing in life is free and if you want something done correctly, you need to do it yourself.

Paul B

NJRC Member
This was the sunset last night.
Sun Set.jpg

On my morning walk it was foggy but I was able to check out this tidepool. Nothing exciting in it.

I was able to rescue this small conch or as us Italians call them Scungeel.
I got there before the sea gulls had him for lunch.



Staff member
NJRC Member
Ugh. About 8 years ago brought my car in an oil change, forget where, was driving down the parkway dressed in a suit to a family function and the car was making a terrible noise. I got off an exit and stopped in the commuter lot and looked underneath, yes all dressed up. The jerks that did the oil change did not put the plastic guard back correctly and was flopping around. I had to climb underneath and twist it so it would go back correctly. So glad Jackie had hand sanitizer so I was able to clean my hands and then dust my self off.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I almost never bring anything back for anything and no one has ever worked on my house car or boat unless it was under warranty or like now, I am older and can't do some things myself just because I can't pick the thing up. :(

I will fix this myself but it is a pain because although I have ramps, I have to loosten up the thing to straighten it out then drill out the broken bolt while I am laying under it. It would have taken the Moron 5 seconds to do it correctly and I never would have found it out if it didn't rattle like crazy.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them. :)

I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them. :)

I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.
Try to drag and drop the picture here.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I will get it soon but those 2 new fish disappeared in the rockwork and it may be 6 months before I see them. :confused2:

Today it is having an issue. It's a new computer and I am old so these things never work the same every day.

My new Jeep is also acting up. It went from Miles an hour to Kilometers, so I thought I was going 120 MPH.

I got out the book and changed it. Then our phones wouldn't pair with the car. I finally got my wife's phone to pair so if I need to contact anyone I will just write them a letter.

Of course my new car like all new cars allows me to talk to it. There is like a 200 page manual to explain how to do that but I don't think my car read it as it just argues with me. I asked it to change from KPH to MPH and it told me things like "You can ask me all sorts of things like George Washingtons social security number, Doctors appointments or the year they built the Brooklyn Bridge but anything else will be a problem".

I would like a car with just 4 wheels, a radio and engine. I have friends and don't need to have a conversation with a senile vehicle that I paid quite a lot for. My wife will talk my ear off for free. :cool:

Paul B

NJRC Member
This weekend we went into Manhattan for my Grand Sons play. It was "Finding Nemo" and he had a starring role as "Gill' the moorish Idol. He is ten.

Anyway after that our Daughter took us to Keens Chophouse on 6th Ave in Manhattan near Penn Station where I took a train for about 45 years and walked past the place every day but never noticed it.
Keens outside.jpg

It has been there since the mid 1800s so just before I was born.

Many famous people used to eat there including of course Washington as he ate and slept everywhere,
Write up in Keens.jpg

The thing with the place, and I assume many places at the time was when you went there, you asked for your pipe. The "Pipe Boy" would fetch your clay pipe and bring it to you. All the pipes, 88,000 of them each had a number on them attached to a specific client. The pipes were to fragile to put in a saddle bag and Toyota Land cruisers were not really available so they left the pipes there. They were about a foot long and all the same.

Pipe smoking was assumed to be good for "dissipating Homourse of the brain". An affliction some people and their fish still seem to have today.
Those pipes are still there covering every inch of the ceilings and walls right next to each other on all 3 floors.

The membership consisted of over 90,000 names but not one Woman was allowed until about 1910 or so when a Woman tried to get in and was not allowed, so she sued them and won.

This is my main squeeze of 50 years. You can see the pipes on the ceiling.
Dale in Keens.jpg

Our Daughter is kind of a celebrity there as she spent a lot of time there when she was in college and gets Royal treatment and gave us the nickel tour. They all know her and the owner came over and also treated us like he would Washington. But I didn't tell the Pipe Boy to get me a pipe.

Paul B

NJRC Member
Good morning. It's pouring rain like monsoons here and I know what monsoons are like and I didn't take my beach walk. The rain has nothing to do with that as a real Man walks in any weather but my wife has an early doctors appointment so we are going there and for some reason doctors never have an office right next door.

When we lived near the city all our doctors were out here on Long Island. Then we moved out here and all our doctors are now there. :rolleyes:

The good part is my favorite LFS is across the street from the Dr.

But tomorrow it will be dead low tide at 6:30 am so I hope the amphipods will be there spawning in the millions like they are every year. My friend is coming to help me collect,
(if he gets up)

I will throw all of them in my tank so I hope we get enough.:)

Paul B

NJRC Member
Lets remember that today is the 80th anniversary of D Day. 5 years before I was born.
Many thousands of American Hero's died storming the beaches of Normandy. Thats one big reason we are free today.

May they rest in peace.


Staff member
NJRC Member
Lets remember that today is the 80th anniversary of D Day. 5 years before I was born.
Many thousands of American Hero's died storming the beaches of Normandy. Thats one big reason we are free today.

May they rest in peace.
Agree, my dad was there a few days later to help / deal with the aftermath.