NJRC Member
We got them for my son,and also sent them back
Having an old tank has unique problems. Not healthwise but things grow in tanks and keep growing. Things like bristleworms. They are great scavengers and kind of benign when small. But they keep growing and can probably get a foot long.,
That is the reason I can't keep clams or most crabs any more except hermit crabs. When an invertebrate sheds, the bristleworms can most likely smell it and they attack the helpless animal. Especially arrow crabs which are very susceptible when newly moulted.
Occasionally I trap them but the really large ones can't fit in the trap and if I make a large trap, the fish and hermits will go in.
Try to drag and drop the picture here.I went to my favorite LFS today and picked up a couple of tiny neon gobies. Those fish used to be very common in the hobby but I rarely see them any more. $25.00 for both of them.
I am trying to put up a picture but I am having trouble doing this on my new computer and I normally just E Mail them to myself but that doesn't work in my Man Cave as I don't have cell service here.
Agree, my dad was there a few days later to help / deal with the aftermath.Lets remember that today is the 80th anniversary of D Day. 5 years before I was born.
Many thousands of American Hero's died storming the beaches of Normandy. Thats one big reason we are free today.
May they rest in peace.