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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer

Paul B

NJRC Member
I keep dumping alk in and this morning I received a new test kit so I will see where it is. :)

Today is my Main Squeeze of over 50 years birthday.

This picture is a "little" old.


Paul B

NJRC Member
On my morning walks in the winter I normally pass this church.

The thing was built right in the middle of George Washington's Presidency. It must have been a very wealthy parish because of one important and historical fact. It is covered in aluminum siding and I had no idea that Home Depot even carried aluminum siding almost 300 years ago. :oops:

Church sign.jpg

1791, thats even a few years before I was born. :rolleyes:
Maybe George even worshipped there as he didn't have much to do because just a few years prior to that we threw out the British.

They were annoying anyway always walking around with those bright red coats while drinking tea.

The Americans didn't like tea as we preferred coffee or Red Bull and the British didn't like that so they called us savages. The tea was loose, and you had to mix it with hot water that you boiled over whale oil but then you had to pick out all those stringy, soggy tea leaves before you could drink it.

So to spite the British we dumped it all in Boston Harbor and had a big party. :applause:

That really got them mad so we forced them all back on their ships by blasting Rap music and sent them back to their Queen and all her unemployed friends who spent all their time dancing the Minuet to the tune "Penny Lane".

But now we had a harbor full of floating tea. (on a side note, thats why even today, all the fish in Boston Harbor are brown) :apthy:

The tea was tangling up our fishing lines and getting stuck on the snouts of fish like Copper Band butterflies that were the predominant fish there so we had to do something.

The Women in Boston, when they weren't making American flags got together and formed a knitting club.

They made these very fine fishing nets that were then dragged over the surface of the harbor to collect the tea. Then they laid it all out in large sheets to dry in the sun.

Instead of wasting all that tea the Ladies decided to sell it in small batches. One woman was in charge, I think her name was Mrs Lipton. The problem was that it was all tangled up in that fine netting so they delicately cut off the netting leaving a little string hanging off each tiny bundle of tea and thats why today our tea has that little string hanging off of it. :biggrin:

True Story

Just a little morning history as I am waiting for my wife to get up.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Just finished making bowtie pasta with spinach and cream sauce for my daughter's school lunch. She doesn't eat a cold lunch. Ahhh I came on here hoping you did you morning post. :frown:. Always enjoy reading your posts.

Have a wonderful day!

Paul B

NJRC Member
Thank you Diana. We had company last night for dinner and since we are all Italian I made some peasant food. Escarole and beans with pasta.

That is my wife's favorite dish. Sometimes I make it with broccoli rob. I also usually bake rosemary/olive oil bread but I just bought it yesterday as it was a spur of the moment thing.

Your Daughters lunch sounds delicious. She is lucky to have a Mom such as you. :biggrin:


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Thank you Diana. We had company last night for dinner and since we are all Italian I made some peasant food. Escarole and beans with pasta.

That is my wife's favorite dish. Sometimes I make it with broccoli rob. I also usually bake rosemary/olive oil bread but I just bought it yesterday as it was a spur of the moment thing.

Your Daughters lunch sounds delicious. She is lucky to have a Mom such as you. :biggrin:
broccoli rob is my favorite with pasta and sausage in olive oil with so much garlic you can kill a vampire at 100 paces.