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The question of PH comes up

This is something I haven't tested for in sometime, aquarium was looking good and well now it's not. It's currently 8.52, where should it be and how do I get it there from this point.

thank you ;D
well 7.9-8.3 is usually an acceptable level... there is a lot ways to move the ph down...
but you should list your Calcium, Magnessium and Alkalanity.. since most methods will move those levels too.. so we can get you a better answer, knowing a little more..


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mine was reading that high for a while, I re-calibrated my probe and now it's reading 8.12. Something you may want to look into.
panmanmatt said:
Mine was reading that high for a while, I re-calibrated my probe and now it's reading 8.12. Something you may want to look into.

great point, especially if it got totally submerged or even dry..
billyr98 said:
panmanmatt said:
Mine was reading that high for a while, I re-calibrated my probe and now it's reading 8.12. Something you may want to look into.

great point, especially if it got totally submerged or even dry..

I thought the probe was supposed to be totaly submerged? Am I doing this incorrectly?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I keep mine about 1/2 way submerged. Was never sure if the top end was waterproof or not. I do know that the bottom tip has to stay wet though.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mine's always been all the way submerged....hope that's not a problem????


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
RichT said:
mine's always been all the way submerged....hope that's not a problem????

This will eventually corrode the wire and seal till you get a voltage leak.
If you're talking Pinpoint or Neptune probes they can be any where from 1.5" down to fully submerged according to the manufactures. You can also float them in a block of Styrofoam.

Make sure your probes are 6" from each other or you can get interference and false readings (assuming you have multiple probes).

Don't make any corrections at all until you recalibrate the probe/controller with a reference solution. If you have a pH test kit might not be a bad idea to test with that for added peace of mind.

Even if correct I wouldn't be overly worried about 8.52. Not that high IMHO but I like high pH levels and generally run my tanks at 8.45-8.50 so I'm not typical in my choice.

Acceptable ranges are said to be from 7.8 to 8.5 with the ideal from 8.2-8.4.

What type of buffer do you dose for alkalinity?

"Technically" it should be OK being submerged but some people have noticed problems over time.

Probably more important then "depth" of probe is where you have it installed in your system. IE tank or sump. If your sump is well aerated you'll notice different levels then if it were in the tank itself.

Don't you just love simple solutions/ideas? I saw that one online somewhere. Wasn't my idea, but I had the same thought when I saw it.

So I ran the test this morning got a calcium level of 480 and DKH of 8.4, PH is currently at 8.44 and I'll need to run out and get a magnesium test kit. I use b-ionic two part solution. On a normal day 30 cc's of each, have not dosed yet today.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks like the PH is coming down on its own. Ca is strangely high. What salt mix did you use? I'd hold off dosing for right now. Keep an eye on that DKH though and maybe start buffering tomorrow (your alk & ca look out of balance so no Ca additive until that level drops some). Where does your PH usually run? Alk? Keeping with (or slowly getting back to) your system's normal parameters will hopefully keep stress levels down.
I use Instant Ocean salt, as previously stated I haven't been testing my PH but with the purchase of the AC Jr. it's just staring in my face. Both my CA and Alk are out of wack from norm as they usually run 7.1 DKH and 400 CA. More than likely the salt, as I haven't added anything else in the past few days.