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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!

that's kind of what i figured you were going for.

Here's my suggestion for doing this:
Have both pipes from the bulkheads connect into a wye (with a valve right at the bulkhead for the skimmer section) and then you can pump both sections down at once just by opening the skimmer section valve when you do your water changes. This would require you to also have the return pumps discharge piping valved and tee'd off so you can divert the flow to the sink... But that would make water changes fast and easy for sure!

that is exactly what is planned!!!!!!
Like your tank...

I also upgraded from a JBJ 28 LED. I did my move in February of this year.

I run three AI sol blues with all 70 degree optics.

I need to do some of my first frags soon, the AI lights are awesome...


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I also upgraded from a JBJ 28 LED. I did my move in February of this year.

I run three AI sol blues with all 70 degree optics.

I need to do some of my first frags soon, the AI lights are awesome...

HMMMM i only ordered 2 AI's. I will give that a shot first. Which way do you have them mounted???

I am going to mount them long ways (opposite the way that you see them mounted on the AI rail)

How close do you have yours to the water??? seems pretty close.
Two end ones are parallel to the sides and the middle on is parallel to the front.

About 5" off the water line...but I changed all the optics to 70 degree. The units come with four 40s and four 70s per unit.

I have an Apogee PAR sensor, so I make sure I get the values I am shooting for.
Well today, I installed my RO/DI and proud to report that I am getting 0 TDS water out just as I should.

I also painted the back of the tank. I really like how the black looks. The covered overflow is a big plus also. I may actually go with solid black sand also...

I only wish that the AI's came in Black instead of silver. Maybe I will have to build some sort of frame for them out of black acrylic. We will see





We have a 57g rimless as well, we have two AI's which are hung from the ceiling and controlled with the AI controller.
We set up our 57g in august. We have had some bleaching with a few lps corals we put on the sandbed directly underneath the fixture. . . Be smarter than us and don't do that :)
We have the lights ramped up to 60% at the moment (I believe) and I think we are getting good coverage with the two fixtures over the 57g. The great thing about AI is that if you want to add a third fixture down the line, it is easy :)
Good luck with your new tank, looking forward to following along!
Thanks. I was talking to a couple people who said that I should probably start the lights on like 30%. We will see what happens when i get them.


NJRC Member
Nice!!!!!! You're getting there!

I was thinking the same for my AI's. 30% and put almost everything on the bottom to start.
Nice!!!!!! You're getting there!

I was thinking the same for my AI's. 30% and put almost everything on the bottom to start.

Exactly!!! I don't know when I am actually going to get it running. I am ordering my pump tomorrow and have to get rock, but have not decided on where or what kind yet. Tomorrow I am going to buy glass for my sump, i just got my Skimmer last night!


NJRC Member
What kind of pump? I haven't fired my new one up yet but I can't wait! They're suppposed to be dead silent. I went with the Sicce Syncra 5.0, same as Brian.

I'm still looking at rock too. Maybe we can coordinate, get a little bit of a break on shipping. I know Brian is looking at a place called Aquaroche for his. I haven't looked into it yet (actually, I am at this very moment) but from what he said it looked pretty interesting.

Well today I drilled the sump, went very easy and quickly with no problems. I drilled 2 holes which will be used for return pump (second hole used only for water changes).

Here is a pic of the sump with the baffles and then with the holes drilled. I also included next a video of the hole being drilled to show that it really is pretty easy to do.




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Nice job on the holes. The only suggestion I'd make for future drilling would be to place a towel or something inside the tank to cushion the falling cutout disk. I couldn't tell if you did that or not, but it didn't look like it. I've heard people having problems where the falling disk cracked the glass panel it landed on.
I did on the first hole, and forgot to move it on the second :). I was already drilling, should have stopped and moved it, but didn't, luckily nothing broke.