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Three days blackout


NJRC Member
Do you guys have any experience? I am dealing with dinos so I’m thinking three days but if you guys recommend maybe four days.
I’m also thinking if I have to move the corals to another fish tank,
please any information will be greatly appreciated


Vice President
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NJRC Member
There is a post here in State and Learn about dinos.
I ended up doing a 7 day blackout. Lost 1 fish and a few coral, mostly frags.

The Gooch

NJRC Member
I’ve done 3 days in older tanks with success. Corals go a little pale but come right back. Before you do this, verify your salinity with other devices/hobbyists. I’ve had cyano thrive in recent nano tank, only to have it disappear in a few days after discovering that my calibrated refractometer was off. Actual salinity was 1.021. When correct to 1.025 the Dino’s disappeared.
What kind of dinos do you have? Have you checked under a microscope yet? That is the only way to know for sure and tell you your course of action. It is thought that blackouts don't actually work and they cause the dinos to encyst and show back up later on. Rueric mentioned the facebook group...I'm unfortunately a member of it. A ton of knowledge there and an entire handbook on how to figure out what dinos you have and the exact steps to eradicate them. Mack's reef...Dinoflagellates support group! .

I'm currently fighting Ostreopsis dinos myself right now. Treatment is oversized UV at 1-3 times turnover rate per hour.

You have to get it under a microscope though.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
We did longer, I think a week, and make sure it is a true and total blackout. We also ran the Dr. Tims protocol with it and that seemed to help.


NJRC Member
Thank you guys!!;)
I don’t have a microscope but I’m running a uv already and dosing phytoplankton and I’m getting microbacter7 tomorrow.

So none of you got the corals out for the black out??
That’s what I thought of doing!!


NJRC Member
Took some pictures it’s getting bad


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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Sadly, you are not alone. Just started getting lots of algae in mine too.
My buddy Mikey too.


NJRC Member
What kind of dinos do you have? Have you checked under a microscope yet? That is the only way to know for sure and tell you your course of action. It is thought that blackouts don't actually work and they cause the dinos to encyst and show back up later on. Rueric mentioned the facebook group...I'm unfortunately a member of it. A ton of knowledge there and an entire handbook on how to figure out what dinos you have and the exact steps to eradicate them. Mack's reef...Dinoflagellates support group! .

I'm currently fighting Ostreopsis dinos myself right now. Treatment is oversized UV at 1-3 times turnover rate per hour.

You have to get it under a microscope though.
For Ostreopsis, UV alone is not enough. Make sure to get your nutrients up.


NJRC Member
Here is a question if I do a big water change and put on my curls in a 10 gallon tank could that water hold them up for 4 days??
From what I understand if battling Dino’s don’t do water changes. You need something to outcompete the Dino’s.