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WaveMaker made easy...

David, you had multiple LED's, two speed dials, a three way switch, plus another dial. So yes, his one speed dial, one LED, and one two way switch is much simpler -- to me.


NJRC Member
you can sort off cut off the left side of the circuit...

i know i know, i am just kidding with Mike.


NJRC Member
a heads up, for those brave ones wanted to dive in with the wave-maker hype...

i am order this for the wave maker... I would like to have my wave maker to be peacefully at night (it would be off, slow power, or slow wave - which i haven't decided yet).


my friend will help me with the new circuit to incorporate this in it, i just need to get one on hand first to test out the resident/specs. so he can design the circuit.

the current PA group buy info can be found here: (Note: Member only)
Could you turn off the wavemaker easier by putting the controller on a timer. You know what time the lights go out, so the wavemaker could go off then also. Hoever, if you could slow down (not turn off)the pump based on the light sensor input, that would be very interesting.


NJRC Member

yes, i can turn off the wave-maker with a timer...

i would like to have it in slow mode rather than off.

the choice of continuesly-slow-mode vs slow wave mode, not really matter to me...
however, it does matter if the circuit gets too complicated for other normal peoples (like you).


NJRC Member

new features will be coming soon...

- with control-able up to 2 pumps at the same time
- with photocell to control less wave at nigh time

I am trying to find a way (site) to pre-made the circuit board, so, all you need to do is insert the components, solid it on... must less wiring/jumper required.

stay tune.


NJRC Member
I never do any of those before... I am looking for something that i can just copy the exact Circuit Schematic i have, and hope it will automatic generate the board layout for me.

- i spent about 3+ hours last night, and i managed to get ExpressPCB Schematic working... (still need some more twist to it)

- i tried a little bit with pad2pad, but it seems i need more time to actually designing the layout? no auto generate? (will try more later tonight)

and Yes, i think i could post it here, for you, or Oliver to help to design it with the tools, for now i am just trying to play with it to see how far i can get...


Deleted member 10862

wow!! that diagram was more complicated to me than advanced calculus back in college!! but great job on breaking it down for us though!