First off great namehey everyone, my name is kyle. i just upgraded to an office from a cube at work so i decided to upgrade my 3 gallon pico reef to a 27 gallon cube tank so im pretty excited about that. ive had quite a few tanks in the past, a 5 mixed reef, 29 gallon mixed reef, a 20L mixed reef, my 3 gallon pico mixed reef and now my 27 cube mixed reef.
a little bit about me, im a product designer, currently designing medical devices for a small startup within a large corporation. some may know of the large corp...Meridian health. I was born and raise in the area but moved away for about 8 years during college and the years afterwards for work but now im back and excited to be part of a reef club/forum again!
My name is Bill and I have been keeping a 180 gallon freshwater tank for the last 2 years. My wife thinks it looks like a swamp and wants more color. I will be converting it to a reef sometime in the next few months. Hopefully I can pick up a few tips here.
LEDs are where it's at