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Search results

  1. Romanhawk

    WTB reef ready tank or parts for a 30-45 gallon (Toms River or Ocean/Monmouth/Middlesex County)

    All that I ask is for you to join the club. It’s only $20 (obviously the tank is worth way more than that) and it really helps out the team. Look on the main page for instructions on how to do it. It’s totally worth it. I’ll PM you back.
  2. Romanhawk

    WTB reef ready tank or parts for a 30-45 gallon (Toms River or Ocean/Monmouth/Middlesex County)

    I’ve got a really good solution for you. 38.5” at it’s maximum long. 29 gallon tank drilled. Nice stand and topper. Even has a Halide lamp to get you up and running. Best part - it’s free! I got this from Brokereefer (for free) but have a different project going. You are more than welcome to...
  3. Romanhawk

    So we are going to move :(

    Jersey is not on the top of anyone’s list to retire in, this much is certain. What scuba destinations do you have planned? I was lucky enough to dive Palau, including jellyfish lake, and Truk lagoon many years ago. Beyond compare experiences. Have not been diving for too long. I miss it.
  4. Romanhawk

    So we are going to move :(

    I feel for you, man. I have a 220 in the basement and I cannot fathom how I’d ever get it out of there dry, let alone with all that time and money and water and life and memories invested into it. 300g is a tough size too. Not every household can manage that size and commitment. It might be...
  5. Romanhawk

    Escaped weather again

    26.9” At the airport. My back hurts.
  6. Romanhawk

    Escaped weather again

    15” in P-burg/Lehigh Valley. Ain’t done yet!
  7. Romanhawk

    New 75 in the works

    Nice looking setup.
  8. Romanhawk

    WTB torch

    Great. Shoot a couple pics of those when able. Appreciate it
  9. Romanhawk

    WTB torch

    I’m good on frogs. Just the torches for now. Any others in that price range? thanks
  10. Romanhawk

    WTB torch

    It’s nice. How much - and what else you carrying right now? Just entry levels please. Thanks Mark.
  11. Romanhawk

    WTB torch

    Looking for 2x torches. Nothing too rare or fancy. Thanx
  12. Romanhawk

    92 gallon corner tank

    Alright darn it. I’m on it. I will take it and make it awesome.
  13. Romanhawk

    Some pics

    I got some stuff from Roca too. Great stuff - recommended. Roca is the man
  14. Romanhawk

    New family member on the way

    The Odyssey was my favorite book for many years. Iliad never stuck. Argos is an excellent name for a pup. Well done. The Irish side of me compelled me to name our Goldens Casey and Riley. We also rescued a German Shepherd/Mastiff mix from Georgia last year. She’s Lainey, as Seinfeld was...
  15. Romanhawk

    New family member on the way

    Argos...do you have some Greek blood in the family?
  16. Romanhawk


    Daughter got hacked last week. What a nightmare.
  17. Romanhawk


    Membership here is the easiest decision I ever made. Well done, sir.
  18. Romanhawk

    Change.org petition

    Dropping Harvey Dent? Well spoken.
  19. Romanhawk

    Full Tank Shot

    Top pic gets my vote. Beautiful tank either way!