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Search results

  1. Phyl

    Attitudes around here.....

    There certainly is!! Go check it out again! ;D
  2. Phyl

    Attitudes around here.....

    Hey hey! I thought no adults were allowed?! FAVORITISM!
  3. Phyl

    looking for brian?

    Brian? Or Rich?
  4. Phyl

    Lighting for sale: South Plainfield, NJ

    Yeah, Brian. The "No oven stuffer roaster" would have been my deal breaker too!
  5. Phyl

    Closed loop system?

    Plug up the closed loop holes and run the fowlr with a simple sump. Then pick up the moray eel from Uncle Maco. Great addition to a fowlr.
  6. Phyl

    Closed loop system?

    Tank flow like that is of greatest benefit to corals, may as well go full blown reef!
  7. Phyl

    Mangroves !!!

    Could I chop the top of it off and expect them to regrow? Would I then be able to "plant" that top half in water and have it root like you would with other house plants?
  8. Phyl

    Mangroves !!!

    Mine are hanging out in the overflow in my display tank! They sit there rather nicely at the moment (though I suppose they may cause trouble if they start putting down significant root structure. They have a bunch of leaves though. Anyone know how to prune these babies? At some point they'll hit...
  9. Phyl

    Rare Brazilian Golden Moray 08086

    Have you tried over on MR? I know there are a few people who either have or want to have one. Worth a shot. They are really the best of pets, very cool and interactive for kids. Makes a great addition to a FOWLR or aggressive tank (must keep covered). Unfortunately we shut that tank down and...
  10. Phyl

    tying into basement questions

    The filter socks are looking a little tight. The bubbles need to bubble up over the top of them and have time to dissipate before they're forced back into the sump. It looks like you have bubbles coming out the side of yours. I'm guessing that either that filter sock is near the pump draw OR you...
  11. Phyl

    Pro Clear 150 sump/skimmer mods or suggestions?

    The water level in that pro-clear is under that bio ball section (water trickles through the bioballs and falls into the bottom section which is at the height of the sponge at the bottom separating the bioball/water section from the return pump), so maybe the bottom few inches at best. You can't...
  12. Phyl

    Pro Clear 150 sump/skimmer mods or suggestions?

    In order to use that main chamber for anything you'd need to add a baffle so that the water level in that chamber had a higher point (and then you'd have to be really clever to ensure you had enough room for the inevitable back siphon. We didn't bother trying to mod ours. Made more sense to use...
  13. Phyl

    Clownfish Log

    They're on a nemo-pause alright! No more Nemos for them. I think they figured since I wasn't trying to raise them they'd stop making 'em!
  14. Phyl

    April Meeting at The_Codfather's

    No excuses now! :)
  15. Phyl

    250 wt halides

    Fan over the sump should mitigate much of the heat. Good luck!
  16. Phyl

    Attitudes around here.....

    We definitely find that people who attend meetings (and therefore get to know other members as people) tend to be more friendly than those who treat others as faceless IDs in the internet. Unfortunately the % of people who don't attend meetings is ever increasing and therefor the overall tone is...
  17. Phyl

    Hitler finds out he has AEFW

    I've seen the Hitler thing once before but this one takes the cake.
  18. Phyl

    Clownfish Log

    Great! I know I've really enjoyed following along! Makes me wish mine would spawn again, but they haven't spawned in years.
  19. Phyl

    April Meeting at The_Codfather's

    Awww Shucks!