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Search results

  1. Phyl

    Clowns moving sand bed?!?

    My maroon will move anything up to about 4 times her size/weight. Crazy fish. Very territorial and intense neat freaks. If this behavior just started they may be planning to spawn. I do think they tend to do this less if they have an anemone. The club has (at my house right now) two beautiful...
  2. Phyl

    I am an idiot ...

    Yeah.... I play russian roulette. Chances are pretty good your display had ich before this and the bellus stressed. Garlic, garlic, garlic. You may find that lower lighting period, a slight drop in the saility and temperature give your fish the boost they need to fight it off. Good luck!
  3. Phyl

    Hawkeye's AGA 120

    Wow. Looks like a sardine can got opened the way they're all packed up like that. Hard to tell that they're actually alive the way they get so jammed up! Sorry to hear that momma didn't care for the babies. What a bummer.
  4. Phyl

    Great news for the hobby

    Every new fish they are able to breed is one step closer to being able to breed ALL fish. It is indeed great news for the hobby! Imagine a day when all fish we keep can be obtained as CB specimens? That would be fantastic.
  5. Phyl

    New Photoshop

  6. Phyl

    New Photoshop

    That feature is INCREDIBLE! I can't wait to play with it. Certainly you'll need to do some post "magic" fixes, but it sure does make an amazing starting point.
  7. Phyl

    HELP please- Tank Break down- Union (pic intensive)

    Great looking livestock. Sorry that you're jumping out of the hobby. Looks like that algae just got the best of you (more snails would have helped you immensely here). Good luck selling it off.
  8. Phyl

    Bulb Changed = Algae Growth .. But for How long??

    I don't think it was the bulb change as much as the sudden increase in light that fueled the algae explosion. Adding that much light increased everything's ability to grow, including (unfortunately) the algae. How fast it burns out depends largely on how much fuel there is in the tank. How are...
  9. Phyl

    Hawkeye's AGA 120

    Have you super-dosed Mag (sorry if I've missed that bit)? I know Brian battled it until he blacked out the tank for a few months! His LPS and clams did fine with actinics only during the "blackout". Good luck with the Bryopsis. Good luck with the new clutch!
  10. Phyl

    Happy Birthday JohnS_323

    Hopefully he doesn't know the answer to this question for at least 20 more years!
  11. Phyl

    Happy Birthday Debfife!

    Happy Happy Birthday, Deb! I hope it is wonderful and full of great surprises!
  12. Phyl

    Let me add to the doggy pics!

    OMG That is adorable and hysterical!
  13. Phyl

    Clownfish Log

    Very cool that SO many of them made it to this point. Great job, Hawk! Congrats on the new hatch as well. What are you feeding the parents?
  14. Phyl

    Merv's new 40 gallon build

    Great documentation, Merv. This thread could be a forum in and of itself! It could definitely use a table of contents page at the beginning!
  15. Phyl

    Coralife PC Fixture

    LOL. It was bound to happen! ;D
  16. Phyl

    Are Aquariums getting too lifelike?

    I bet a lot of hobbyists would claim that they can only buy what is provided and that they have little, if any bearing, on what is collected from our oceans and displayed in our LFS. You're right... demand should drive the market, but unfortunately in a lot of ways in this hobby supply drives...
  17. Phyl

    Meet Rocky & Scrappy

    Those two on the bed make it look like a TODDLER bed! LOL! No wonder there's no room for ya!
  18. Phyl

    Are Aquariums getting too lifelike?

    Not saying you shouldn't have suggested frags. Frags, aquaculture (coral, rock, etc) and captive bred fish are definitely the start of the "wave". We just need to know if there are other things that we can do as a community BEYOND our choice of fish and corals.
  19. Phyl

    Wave Front 95 Gal

    Great looking shape to the fish tank. I wonder how (if?!) a magfloat works in there! I think Duke has a new name... "Killer"!