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Search results

  1. jpelzer

    Vlamingi tang freehold

    Wish my tank was big enough, but no way I could have a 24" fish! Really pretty as they get older.
  2. jpelzer

    Foxface and blue throat trigger

    I had a male blue throat, big guy ("Chompy"). Had a great personality, could hand feed him. But he did occasionally take bites out of my clams, and he'd move things around. Big things. Pull glued frags off rocks and drop them in cracks I couldn't reach. He was a giant pain. He was 9" or so. I...
  3. jpelzer

    New fish store in edgewater?

    I just went there this weekend, talked to one of the owners. It is a small place, but high density. He had four 8-9" clams, and a beautiful black Maxima. Lots of fungia. Healthy looking fish, including some tank bred mandarins (babies, super cute). Not much for sps at the moment, but he says...
  4. jpelzer

    jpelzer's 240 in-wall reef

    Thanks! Yeah, it ended up being a monster! I'm bummed that I didn't notice the inverter isn't sure sine... It wasn't cheap, and about 10% more would have given me that. Oh well! It runs the wifi no problem!
  5. jpelzer

    jpelzer's 240 in-wall reef

    Battery backup is fully online and ready. Had a bit of a scare after the first night I hooked it up: it's connected to a 20amp line, but the transfer switch had a 15A fuse. That popped overnight, so the few circuits that run in UPS mode switched over to inverter power. This included all my...
  6. jpelzer

    jpelzer's 240 in-wall reef

    New panorama of the tank.
  7. jpelzer

    Photobucket users - READ THIS

    I just upgraded to Tapatalk 2, and they fixed the issue so it doesn't bounce out to Safari for these images... Yay! Worth the upgrade.
  8. jpelzer

    Matt's 57g rimless build

    Sneak peak of all the "Pixar Presents: Flushing Dory" tanks arriving in 2015.
  9. jpelzer

    Need help leaking bulkhead

    We don't want to think about your rubber parts.
  10. jpelzer

    Jgraz's Finally a Proper Tank 90 Upgrade

    Pretty fish! Fins seem pretty beat up though... Did your wrasse do that?
  11. jpelzer

    BRS doser air bubbles

    Not possible if the intake is submerged and there isn't a tiny leak in the intake line. No place for the air to come from.
  12. jpelzer

    BIOPELLETS & PH Swings

    The avast ATO works by pressure sensor. I have two avast pressure sensors, one for ATO, and one on my skimmate container. The one on the skimmate container uses a bigger tube than the ATO, and I find it is more sensitive. With the less sensitive pressure switch, your water level needs to...
  13. jpelzer

    Ebay LED's?

    Yah, well said. Best way to save money is to DIY things, but don't go cheap with DIY... If that makes sense. Do the best you can with DIY, you'll come in around the same cost as the cheap prebuilt. Though the cost there is time time time. Also, not all the Apollo LEDs are US-made. For instance...
  14. jpelzer

    FS: AI sol blue w/ white housing, wired controller, and wall mount. $320 FIRM

    Picked it up from the post office today, fired it up, looks great! Thanks!
  15. jpelzer

    Leaving the Hobby Fish For Sale First - Colts Neck

    Colts Neck, I see it now.
  16. jpelzer

    Leaving the Hobby Fish For Sale First - Colts Neck

    Where are you located? I'm interested in the Achilles.
  17. jpelzer

    Ebay LED's?

    I don't have anything like that on my reef, but I've built some non-fish projects with those strip LEDs. I doubt they have enough power to grow anything. It says 100 lumens/foot. A 60w incandescent light has about 800 lumens. You can look right at them and not be blinded. They run at very low...
  18. jpelzer

    Photobucket users - READ THIS

    Good info!
  19. jpelzer

    Photobucket users - READ THIS

    Yup, that's right Paul. I was fixing my first post so folks could see the code they should fix. What a wonderful world it will be without those URL tags!
  20. jpelzer

    Photobucket users - READ THIS

    Don't respond yet, trying to escape the tags so folks can read em.