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Search results

  1. joe b

    Wtb red planet frag near freehold

    I have 3 frags at least 1in for 50.00 each shipping would be 30.00
  2. joe b

    Wtb red planet frag near freehold

    I can mail it... I've had both TDF and Red Planet and like the TDF more. For me the Red Planet liked to encrust alot before any vertical action and when it does it a tabling type where the TDF branches out.
  3. joe b

    Wtb red planet frag near freehold

    At the moment I'm carless but will keep you in mind
  4. joe b

    Wtb red planet frag near freehold

    I have some Tierra Del Fuego frags if your ever close to Atlantic City.
  5. joe b

    Unknown critter in tank

    looks like a peanut worm
  6. joe b

    Question on water parameters

    Maybe try to find a nearby club member or LFS to test you water and confirm your results.
  7. joe b

    Question on water parameters

    Never used the Red Sea tests but have read that their Mg kit is tricky to use... maybe try a Salifert test. Curious what salt your using? I use IO and my Mg stays steady at @1300
  8. joe b

    Mays landing

    northfield here... Most of my coral came from more than 1hr away. Slim pickings down here
  9. joe b

    30g shallow

    WD growth for last summer till now. Started with a 1/2in piece and could count the polyps
  10. joe b

    30g shallow

  11. joe b

    30g shallow

  12. joe b

    30g shallow

    One of my favorites... got this from kid Chris at the swap in 2013. It's has grow out to the size of a soft ball but when it took a bad turn I struggled to stop the recession. Stoked to have this piece doing good again.
  13. joe b

    30g shallow

    Accidentally shaved a single polyp from this with my tweezers while yanking algae. Glued it down for the heck of it. It's been 2 weeks and I think it's has doubled in size:)
  14. joe b

    30g shallow

    Tank has been going in a good direction since my last update. Still working on some alage problems that seem to be reoccurring in fewer places. I still have some things that have stayed stagnant for awhile but getting positive changes on enough to keep me happy.
  15. joe b

    NIce weekend surprise

    pics or I'm calling bs:)
  16. joe b

    Wtb Walt Disney frag or similar

    I have a WD frag @1in I'd trade for a Prometheus frag if your ever in the AC area.
  17. joe b

    The new tank

    Nice!!! I envy all that open space:)
  18. joe b


    cyanobacteria... common in a new tank and recurring whenever conditions are favorable. They have removers like chemeclean and slime x that work but until you find and eliminate its food source it will come back. Try removing as much as you can during water changes, keep a eye on excess feeding...
  19. joe b

    NIce weekend surprise

    For me they grow painfully slow and are more likely to have problems in poor conditions then some other mushrooms.