Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Well, I guess I spoke too soon! My pump died a few minutes ago...sitting here and I hear the water back siphoning out of the first thought was that my sump drained and there would be water everywhere...I was relieved when I walked into the sump room and...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Yeah, I know the problem is bound to come back...and I really need to take it apart for cleaning. I was hoping they would have gotten back to me already...I'm going to send them another e-mail this weekend and see what happens.
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Well, I contacted customer service...didn't hear back from them though...kind of odd. But on the plus side, the pump has been silent since the e-mail went out...maybe it got scared or something!
The tank SHOULD be at AO on Monday...Soooo if anyone is around that...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
That makes me feel a bit better Jim! I just really want it to hold out till the redo.
Ya know John...I've dealt with their customer service before and was pretty amazed at how helpful they were...why I didn't think of contacting them is beyond me!
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Not sure yet. Once the tank is here (which I think is this week) I can see what everyone's availability is.
The Saga continues though...My return pump (Sequence Reeflo Dart) is making some horrible noises...It starts squeaking and rattling then the noise just...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Already second guessing myself here...
Deb went into the laundry/fish room to find a flood...yippe!
Not sure what the heck happened, but I THINK my 55 fuge might have overflowed...but the strange thing is that it was draining properly when I looked at i'm...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Thanks for all the offers everyone and when I'm ready Wendy, I'll take you up on that! :)
I think I'm good with 55g Drums. I have a 55g and 44g filled with RO, Paul (redfish) dropped another 55g drum off, and I'm pretty sure I have one in the garage still...but I...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
I'll need all the help I can get, so if you're around...I could surely use you! :)
I guess I'm going to try and sell the other tank to recoup some of the costs of the new one either that or I'll set it up as a FOWLR...(just kidding Deb!)
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Hi, remember me? lol
Well, all the algae is pretty much gone. But of course that isn't good enough for me! I've decided to DOWNGRADE the tank to a 180 gallon. I couldn't take the height anymore...having the tank on a 4" concrete pad and the tank being 30" tall...
Our monthly June meeting will be held at HerbieK's house located in Kendall Park on Saturday the 27th.
Click HERE for the meeting information
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Once again we've added the option to purchase your raffle tickets in advance if you would like to...
You can also try the good old fashioned fishing line and hook. That's how I caught my Sohal Tang. I cut the barb off the hook, put a little piece of algae on it and WHAM...caught him in about 5 minutes.