Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Hi Vincent!
Great to hear you're thinking of joining the ranks here @ NJRC!
You don't have to live in NJ or attend a certain amount of meetings. You can certainly go to whichever meetings are easiest for you to attend. We rotate the meetings around the state, so every 3 months there will be...
Picture #1 Looks like blue zoo's...I couldn't tell you what the name of the one in the 2nd pic is...I was never good at remembering all those crazy names.
Is picture 3 an SPS? It looks like a poccilopora.
Thanks Dawn and Mike, I had a great time today.
I would also like to thank all the surrogate mommies that helped me out with my first outing alone with Genevieve. It meant a lot to me!
Pictures and notes to follow...
Not sure why you haven't been able to see them.
HERE is January POTM.
HERE is February POTM
We are still accepting submissions for March. POTM doesn't start until the last week of the month.
I have a Potters Angel in my frag tank right now...i would notice if it was picking at anything pretty far so good.
I had a Flame Angel at one time that loved Open Brain's but didn't touch anything else.