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Search results

  1. B

    MACNA XXI 2009: NJRC has been awarded ! ! !

    Let the roller coaster begin! Congrats, NJRC!!
  2. B

    Catching Fish In A Reef

    It finally did work! A very small hook and a piece of caulpera did the trick! ;D I may need to borrow this fish trap to catch a wrasse though..he's a bit tougher to catch.
  3. B

    Aquarium Pests: Do I have them?! (AEFW, Red Bugs,Aptasia,mojamos & FW)

    Sorry, I misread...I thought you killed them on purpose! Sorry!
  4. B

    connecting tank to sump, need advice

    You should be able to find a WYE at any Lowe's.
  5. B

    My first pico (3 gallon JBJ)

    Looks Nice! Be very cautious with that black sand. I have it in my 90g and while it stays on the bottom very nicely, if it does happen to swirl around and get in between your mag scraper (if you have one) it will scratch like crazy! Good Luck with the tank...these little nano's are starting...
  6. B

    Sad face

    That must be one giant bag! ;) You should really try drip acclimating. Pouring a 1/2 cup of water into a bag really isn't acclimating, that's a lot of water going into a small area in one shot. You can try taking an airline hose, fasten it to your tank, start a siphon through it and then tie a...
  7. B

    Dutch Springs Scuba Diving

    When are you able to go in a regular wetsuit? I'm shivering just thinking about 60 degrees!
  8. B

    blange3's 180 upgrade

    Count me in Bill.
  9. B

    Electric bill

    A lot also has to do with how well your house is insulated. We were pushing 800 in the summer during some of those heatwaves. After we had the new windows and a new door installed it dropped our bill in the summer by approx $200. I also agree with the tank not being as much as everyone thinks...
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    Electric bill

    Yeah, those summer months are killers and we don't have a pool or anything. Depending on how hard the AC is working it can tack on extra 300 bucks to our bill.
  11. B

    Bulk Head Measurements - Need sizes

    When we had the tank drilling demo @ JasonR's meeting we traced the the bulkhead right on the glass. If you have access to them, you can measure the diamter of the threaded part of the bulkhead that the nut screws on to.
  12. B

    TDS Meter

    I have a Hanna Dual TDS meter, I really like it. I have it testing the water coming out of the RO and then out of the DI.
  13. B

    What light do you use in refugium?

    I use regular old flourescent tubes in my fuge. They are called "Natural Sunshine" and I get them @ Home Depot. They work GREAT and are CHEAP! :) which is always nice.
  14. B

    blange3's 180 upgrade

    Great news, Bill! Let me know when you need help moving it.
  15. B

    Flatworm Help - Tank OCD is kicking in!!

    Something like this? Hope it all went well, Steve!
  16. B

    Sad face

    That's Great! Now you can get all the jumpers you want! ;D
  17. B

    new camera

    I can't believe there are shirts like that! Now, where can I get one?
  18. B

    March POTM

    We have a winner. Congrats to GregW! Click HERE to see the picture. You can now start submitting pictures for the April POTM contest.
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    March POTM *Winner*

    Congratulations, GregW! What a great shot of those Harlequin Shrimp, very cool!