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So, life happens, might be moving...might be divorcing, might just jump off a cliff...not sure. But at any rate, I'm going down to 1 tank.
Located in Kendall park nj 08540
For sale (now) I have:
1. A very happy/healthy Saddleback clown. He's been in my tank for 3-4 months, no signs of any...
That is interesting. I learned some new stuff, too. For whatever reason, Facebook has decided I'm big into aviation...and i'm going with it. I've been really enjoying the SR71 facts it's given me. Fastest manned aircraft....they would take off with little fuel (fuel tanks would often leak...
I hope to be there, pending auto repairs today...grrrr
If so, I have 8 frags of this acro, if anyone is interested. $15 each. No pests in my tank at all, frags cut 2-3 weeks ago, happy and healthy. :)
And the colony: