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Search results

  1. R

    COWLR - Do we need fish?

    Eh. @Sunny I know plenty of people that got into saltwater aquaria because of the corals.. They originally were going to do freshwater before they saw corals, which swayed their decision to make the salty dip into their personal ocean.
  2. R

    Confirm ID please (spaghetti worm?) and question

    No idea, but I didn't want to leave your post unanswered.
  3. R

    My Rasta rock

    I think you should scrape them with a razor blade off the glass..then proceed to give them to me...
  4. R

    The new FEB Photo Of The month

    It could just be the honor system. I just don't see it in the rules that you can't. (I guess it's because you can't prevent it)
  5. R

    The new FEB Photo Of The month

    I mean, Idk, but if the option is there then there's nothing to stop them
  6. R

    The new FEB Photo Of The month

    Idea for next contest, --> You should NOT be allowed to vote for your own picture.
  7. R

    State of the Reef Club, The Up coming Elections and more..

    Kinda wish you made a TLDR; xD
  8. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Yeah I am a huge fan of this tank. I like how shallow it is and the size of the footprint
  9. R

    Nano tanks!

    5G Fluval Evo Marine! @9supratt4 your turn!
  10. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    I will be fragging everything I can hopefully!
  11. R

    WTB: 40 gal breeder or similar sized tank

    Can't beat that... welcome to the 40B club!
  12. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    I did, some how that slipped through everyone's fingers that the meeting... So I was like fine, I can't stare at it in the store any longer. It's mine.
  13. R

    Reefcleaners order

    I may do my own order of the premade packs with shipping included. We shall see!
  14. R

    Reefcleaners order

    10x Florida Cerith 10x Dwarf Cerith 8x Nerite I know their group buy policy is for $250+ to get free shipping.
  15. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Thank you! They're both lobos that I took close ups of. One is just a more traditional style than the other
  16. R

    Online clean up crews.

    I'm really looking to get cerith snails off of reefcleaners.. I would just need to buy so many to be able to make the minimum cost lol
  17. R

    Nano tanks!

    @9supratt4 Oh come on! I'll post mine tomorrow. (5 Gallon)
  18. R

    Monti pack

    In Wharton as well! Interested
  19. R

    Something weird going on

    Your heater may not be large enough to heat the whole tank? That is my only guess.
  20. R

    Mark_C - My Propaganda!

    I second this notion. You have my vote. Clean, organized and straight to the point.