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Search results

  1. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics Website!

    @etmanning1 I will join you Sunday for sure! You can shoot me a message when you're in the area and I'll meet you there. @erics210 I dunno what to say! I don't make the prices!
  2. R

    Feb photo of the month

    So many nice pictures to choose from!
  3. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics Website!

    Can't make them all. If you ever go up north I'm sure Alex would love the visit!
  4. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics Website!

    Not sure how he has it planned out to work to start.. His prices are ridiculously fair from what I can see. I'm sure he would like to chime in at some point @OiA
  5. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics Website!

    Ocean Image Aquatics has officially launched their site! www.oceanimageaquatics.com Have a look everyone!
  6. R

    iTzJu's Rimless 34 Gallon Frag Tank Build

    I'm sure there were a lot of people who were knowledgeable that have left the hobby or are not active anymore, but there is definitely a handful of people that could answer your questions/troubles on here if you had any pressing matters.
  7. R

    iTzJu's Rimless 34 Gallon Frag Tank Build

    I think it is also word of mouth via the forums. If we could get every LFS to carry a sign of NJRC or something of the sort to make every reefer aware of the fact that we even exist.. I feel that will bring a handful of new members to the forum to get it lively again.
  8. R

    iTzJu's Rimless 34 Gallon Frag Tank Build

    Everyone needs to do their part in bringing this forum back to life.
  9. R

    OIA Clam Progress thread!

    One of my first pictures of my clam. I only recieved a few days before everyone got theirs. I guess I shall name him Max.
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    Freshoffthegrill's 120G Reef Tank

    Everything looks good!
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    February Monthly Meeting

    Ohh booooo! you're holding out on us!
  12. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Still pushing for that full tank shot! @DangerDave
  13. R

    James' Tank Journey

    Very cool! Looking forward to seeing more pictures!
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    Maxima Clam questions

    Any full tank shots?? @DangerDave
  15. R

    Angry at my clown!!

    Hahaha Alex's big maroon clown is hilarious. Everything he claims ends up being sold next. Poor guy. As for clowns using things as hosts. Mine sleep in my cup and during the day they are all up in my frogspawn. They also like to bite me within a foot radius of their "territory"
  16. R

    Maxima Clam questions

    For reference. I have had mine for less than a week and it already grabbed hold of the rock I placed him on.
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    Torch flow

    As long as the flow is erratic and it's not aggressively being pushed into one direction the torch will generally enjoy it. It will also tell you if it likes the flow or not by how much it opens.
  18. R

    WTB: Breeding pair of Clownfish

    Breeding clowns are hard to come by.. I know of places that have clowns that are paired up already.
  19. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    @etmanning1 I doubt it'll be fragged.. But if it ever is you'll be the first one I call. @jmags080307 Me too. But hey, their loss is my gain!