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Search results

  1. R


    Definitely could only house 1. I'm running a 40B with a 20L sump.
  2. R

    Great new LFS in south Jersey

    Looks like a nice start up! Their fish prices seem a little steep IMO, but overall seems like a nice place.
  3. R

    RE: IM Nuvo fusion 40

    I wouldn't sweat it. I think you made a good choice with your tank and you should be happy with it as well! Once everything you own outgrows your 32 you can always upgrade in the future!
  4. R

    Where do you get your sand?

    I don't disagree as long as that deal is still running. Beach sand is nice in the sense of being fully cured with "real" sand.
  5. R


    I would definitely start with a Fromia, volcano or normal I'm not sure.. I just don't want it to starve so I'm always super hesitant about it. I would just like a nice invert that is not a shrimp to put in my tank. (I am getting a clam soon)
  6. R

    North Jersey (Bergen County) LFSs

    @Jim They were closed? Really? What time did you stop by there?
  7. R

    Help ID

    Definitely Galaxia as stated above. They're gorgeous corals to keep, but are definitely well known in the aquaria hobby to have a lot of long powerful stingers (also stated above). BUT if you place them right and have the flow on them so their stingers flow away from other corals, you should be...
  8. R


    Does anyone here own a or multiple starfish? I was considering getting one for my reef tank in the future (Mainly because my girlfriend wants one). I am hoping to get more people's experiences on keeping them. Success stories as well as failures.
  9. R

    LFS you shop at

    My LFS is Ocean Image Aquatics. One of the last remaining, extremely reliable reef stores in Northern NJ. As you all know, the meeting is being held there this month, so not much to say but come check it out and give your own opinions! He definitely has top notch corals with unbeatable prices...
  10. R

    Where do you get your sand?

    Get it from the beach and rinse thoroughly. That way, you pay nothing and just need to put in some elbow grease till it runs clear.
  11. R

    Thoughts on. orphek atlantik v4 led lighting

    I agree that lights are too expensive. I recently purchased the Hydra 52s and it took me a while to bite the bullet because of the price alone.
  12. R

    Looking for IM 30L

    I have an IM Nuvo 20 tank and stand available. With 4 micro filter socks.. I could even sell with the light I was using ( Current LOOP) if interested
  13. R

    Advice on transferring corals/fish to new tank

    Ditto what everyone already said. Just put them in.
  14. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Awesome! Looking forward to it