Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I am looking into finally placing a clam now that I have appropriate lighting for my tank to sustain a clam (Hydra 52). I am looking at a Maxima clam. I hear that they prefer to be on the rockscape rather than the sand bed. I also have read that they needed to be in high flow. Can anyone confirm...
Currently, I'm doing the same thing with an Galaxy S7 and then putting the photo into snapseed. I need to try turning my blues down a little more though.
I guess I never uploaded a picture of just how bad my Cyano was. Thankfully it is not like this anymore! "Knock on wood".
I will try to post a new picture tomorrow as an update. I did a little reacaping and of course the cyano is pretty much gone.
How is everyone taking a picture of their tank? Are they using their phone or fancy camera.. maybe a different way? Or are they editing them with a nice app?
I've recently seen some very nice pictures taken and it has peeked my interest!
So they seem pretty hit or miss. Everything I'm doing in my system is hit or miss so far.. hitting atm *knock on wood* so ill probably go for one of these as well.