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Search results

  1. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    :eek: I just realized how poor of quality that picture came out. Flabbergasted. lol
  2. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    Not a problem! I have seen anything under 3" needs to be fed which is why I'm leaning towards it even if ORA said not to.
  3. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    I am looking into finally placing a clam now that I have appropriate lighting for my tank to sustain a clam (Hydra 52). I am looking at a Maxima clam. I hear that they prefer to be on the rockscape rather than the sand bed. I also have read that they needed to be in high flow. Can anyone confirm...
  4. R

    Photos of Tanks

    Currently, I'm doing the same thing with an Galaxy S7 and then putting the photo into snapseed. I need to try turning my blues down a little more though.
  5. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    I guess I never uploaded a picture of just how bad my Cyano was. Thankfully it is not like this anymore! "Knock on wood". I will try to post a new picture tomorrow as an update. I did a little reacaping and of course the cyano is pretty much gone.
  6. R

    Photos of Tanks

    How is everyone taking a picture of their tank? Are they using their phone or fancy camera.. maybe a different way? Or are they editing them with a nice app? I've recently seen some very nice pictures taken and it has peeked my interest!
  7. R

    The runaway...

    Buggers aren't they
  8. R

    Moving and Must Sell

    That clam also looks like a spitting image from the one that used to be at Trop
  9. R

    Freshoffthegrill's 120G Reef Tank

    I also think it's funny how the clowns are in the softie (ID is slipping my mind) and not the nems. :afro:
  10. R

    Moving and Must Sell

    You're welcome! Too bad I can't take any to re-home for ya :(
  11. R

    Moving and Must Sell

    This tank is gorgeous. I am so sorry you have to break it down.
  12. R

    Freshoffthegrill's 120G Reef Tank

    Everything seems to be looking good
  13. R

    Bar + Reef Tank = Awesomeness

    What's your current fish stock in this? I see 2 clowns and what looks like a 3 stripe damsel
  14. R

    Bar + Reef Tank = Awesomeness

    I love the sloping look of a scape. I considered it myself before I put my 2nd island in.. i hope the trip is fun and the tank does well!
  15. R


    So they seem pretty hit or miss. Everything I'm doing in my system is hit or miss so far.. hitting atm *knock on wood* so ill probably go for one of these as well.
  16. R


    Okay that sounds promising. How large is your system and how long have you had it running?
  17. R


    Hmm interesting. Have you noticed it possibly eating other corals? I've heard for the most part they are reef safe.
  18. R


    Oh great to know! I'm sorry about Sandy :( I'm just thankful my tank wasn't up and running during that time.
  19. R

    RE: IM Nuvo fusion 40

    I believe that's the right move to make! Put the money you were tempted to use in a piggy bank towards a bigger system for the future!
  20. R


    What do you deem as good success? I really don't want to put something in my tank that will only live for a year and slowly starve. :(