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Search results

  1. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Looking forward to meeting you!
  2. R

    Update on Tampa Bay Saltwater

    Good to know. Sorry for your situation.
  3. R

    Photos of Tanks

    Those are different pictures?
  4. R

    Photos of Tanks

    White balance and saturation are main focus.. IMPE
  5. R

    Stocking Question

    It should be okay since you have no torpedo fish
  6. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    As promised
  7. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    After just speaking with Alex of OiA he wanted me to inform everyone that will be attending that he will be offering 25% off discounts on his corals to all who attend in honor of this event. He also said there is a possibility at having some rare more coveted corals (Jawbreakers maybe?? I am not...
  8. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    Well well well, If it isn't Ocean Image Aquatics making an appearance.
  9. R

    Bar + Reef Tank = Awesomeness

    An oopsie moment
  10. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    Pretty clams. I am interested in the black Maxima ones. They seem pretty awesome.
  11. R

    Freshoffthegrill's 120G Reef Tank

    haha WOW I'm sorry. Don't worry though. My clowns chose my cup coral to claim as their own
  12. R

    Shallow reef tank

    Not a problem! Should be a nice aerial view of the tank too! It'll all come down to how you want to rockscape it!
  13. R

    Shallow reef tank

    As long as you can get a lid with it.. Or at least eurobracing. I would be worried about the cardinals and gobies jumping ship. Other than that, for those fish listed... You should be okay. IMO Edit: I just looked up the tank and it seems to come with a lid! so you should be in luck.
  14. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    It's gone now, I tried ChemiClean and it did NOTHING to the cyano. I had to do manual removal for about a week straight just to get it down to where it is. (Picture will be posted later) My scape also doesn't look exactly like this anymore because my right structure fell one day and I had to...
  15. R


    I'm glad you're having a positive experience so far. Hopefully it continues to do well!
  16. R

    2018-02-09 Coral of the week - Pipe Organ Coral

    You should add a 3rd option on the poll for people that have never had one.
  17. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    Sorry about your loss
  18. R

    Lets Talk Clams

    Do you know cause of death?
  19. R

    Bar + Reef Tank = Awesomeness

    Maybe a tank BUILT INTO the back of the bar! :shocked: