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Search results

  1. jgraz

    Stupid stupid stupid mistake

    I feel dumb even posting this but if it makes even one person think twice before doing the same then I helped. I have been dealing with a bit of RTN in many acros. Not all at once but a few here and there. They look good then next morning gone. Anyway I believe the culprit is Alk swings. I...
  2. jgraz

    WTB/WTT for Calcium reactor

    I'm considering moving on from dosing. Let me know what you have. I'm interested mostly in a MTC pro cal but will consider others.
  3. jgraz

    WTB/WTT Cube Sump

    Hello, Looking for a sump for a 45 cube I'll be setting up. Just figured I would check around before I ordered something. I can offer cash, corals or both. Let me know. John
  4. jgraz

    Apex Fusion

    So I'm wondering if any of the Apex users are trying out the new cloud based Fusion. I just hooked up my new lite unit and figured from the start I'm gonna give it a go.
  5. jgraz

    HUGE Coral and Equipment sale 08505

    Well not huge but I need to move some things to progress with the upgrade. Corals first White velvet 2p-$50(sorry bout the bad pic) Seasons greetings 1.5"-2" frags- $25 each Tyree sunset frags- $25 Tyree true undata- $25 for this one $15 for these Rainbow monti-$20 Equipment...
  6. jgraz

    90Gal RR tank w/ custom stand, sump

    Located in Bordentown, NJ. $300 Included: 90gal Reef Ready Aqueon tank with plumbing. Tank is scratch free as far as I can see. Obviously it is well encrusted with corriline and will need a cleaning. Screen tops Custom built stand, stained black. Framed with 2x4 skimmed in oak 40 Breeder...
  7. jgraz

    Montipora sale Bordentown,nj $15per

    Looking to clear up the remaining frags. And get my upgrade underway. All these monti frags are $15 each or 5 for $60 or I can do 1 pack of 9 montis for $110 ORA Jeremy's monti Sunset Mystic sunset Appleberry Grinch Jedi Mind Trick Superman Seasons greetings Tyree True Undata [ I also have...
  8. jgraz

    Vertex 2.5L dosing vessel x 2 Bordentown,nj

    I have these cleaned up and ready to go. They were used for about 6 months but look more or less brand new. One of them has "calcium" written on top though. $45 each or tank them both for $80.
  9. jgraz

    WTB/WTT various refugium critters and macro

    Started up the refugium. What I am looking for critters for it. Worms of all types are welcomed. A bit of sand from here and there is welcomed too. Basically anything to make a nice refugium active and keep the DSB stirred. Also looking for various macros. I have cheato already. Looking for...
  10. jgraz

    MP-10ES-$180. Bordentown, NJ

    Got a MP10-ES available. This is not the wireless version. Manufacture date is July 12, 2012. Cleaned and ready to go.
  11. jgraz

    Custom nano 15"x15"x12" $50 zip-08505

    Starting to take down the system so up for sale is a nano made by me. Originally had a glassholes nano overflow installed but not included so tank is drilled for a 1" overflow left corner and 1/2" return in right corner. Back is painted black. $50
  12. jgraz

    Jäger heater question

    I'm having a bit of an issue and could use a few opinions. I'm setting up my basement system and have water running but can't seem to bring up the temps. The system as of now is a 80 frag tank 65 gal refugium and 100gal stock tank. Total running is approximately 180gal. All tanks were filled...
  13. jgraz

    Recognition on R2R for redfish

    http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148300 Congrats for being excellent.
  14. jgraz

    WTB Aquatec 8800 booster pump

    Title say it. Seems that with the freezing of my rodi system I also got a hairline crack in the pump as well. It works but leaks. Want a new one. Let me know
  15. jgraz

    WTB/WTT for 65Gal RR or drill-able tank

    Title says it. Looking for a 65 gal tank. 36"x18 footprint. Tank needs to be reef ready or drill-able. No meds ever used in the tank as well. I got cash or corals available. Let me know what you have.
  16. jgraz


    Anybody know where these can be found locally. Could use some and I'd like to avoid online.
  17. jgraz

    Marine depot has shipped my items!

    I thought this was interesting. This is the text of the email I got about my items being shipped. Good news, JOHN! Your aquarium supplies have been carefully picked from Marine Depot's shelves like delicate berries and placed into a wicker basket lined with unicorn fur. With the grace of a...
  18. jgraz

    SWC 160 cone and Razor Nano LED...........Bordentown, NJ 08505

    In an attempt to move forward with my upgrade I am starting to switch out some equipment. Both pieces are still in use but can be available by the end of the weekend. I will be cleaning the skimmer tonight or tomorrow latest. SWC 160 Cone-$180 Razor Nano-$175 - SOLD
  19. jgraz

    Anyone here an electrician?

    Looking for and electrician to add a dedicated circuit for my system. Thanks in advance John Didn't know where to put this so feel free to move
  20. jgraz

    WTB Tek light tank mounts

    Title says it all. I need a set of legs for a Tek Light. Never thought they would be this hard to find. Let me know what you have.