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Search results

  1. Hawkeye

    Fishing Charter - Bogan (owner indicted/arrested for tax evasion)

    http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/fishing-charter-company-owners-admit-tax-evasion-1.3669621 more news on the Bogans...apparently DEP was at the Brielle docks when this boat came in with 800 plus black sea bass (caught out of season)...
  2. Hawkeye

    Hey redfishbluefish...i've got a suggestion for you.....

    HAVE A FANTASTIC BIRTHDAY. tell onefishtwofish to get you something other than a red earred slider...LOL. :grin:
  3. Hawkeye

    Plants vs. Zombies...anyone play this?

    My girls are addicted to the game and it is a great little tower defense game. I paid $2 for the GOY PC version although the trade-off was loading steam on my pc...yuck. wondering if anyone has the ipad version and if it's worth the bucks to spend. we could always use another app to kill time...
  4. Hawkeye

    Oceanus The Inland Reef, in Massachusetts...anyone have exp?

    http://oceanusinlandreef.org/ It's a non-profit org like NJAAS....they are breeding seahorses and bangghai cardinals. I believe they sell these also - but only locally (although this may change). Anyways - just asking if anyone has exp.
  5. Hawkeye

    MegaMillions Lotto at $640 million...go buy a ticket!

    Your odds are worse than being hit by lightning. Although if you get 50 tickets, your odds are equal to being hit by Lightning! Yeah!!!
  6. Hawkeye

    CNN profiles Coral Restoration Foundation Ken N.

    When can we invite Ken back to NJ to speak again? He was awesome. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2012/03/01/cnnheroes-coral-reefs.cnn CNN has named environmentalist Ken Nedimyer, the Founder and President of the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF), a CNN hero. The honor recognizes...
  7. Hawkeye

    Tebowmania comes to NY

    Back when saturday night live was actually fun to watch, a certain character would like to say "Well isn't that SPECIAL"? I'm guessing all the giants fans are saying that right now about the jets trading for tebow. More importantly I give the jets fans 4 games worth of patience before they...
  8. Hawkeye

    Happy Birthday PaulM

    Hope the day was great for you.
  9. Hawkeye

    No power for 3 hrs...PSEG transformer fire

    http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/transformer-fire-causes-power-outages-20120228-lgf#ixzz1nigiGyuQ Caused huge traffic jams on route 1 northbound today thru Edison. I had just picked up a generator from a buddy who lent it to me and as i drove up to my driveway I saw that our power was back.
  10. Hawkeye

    Anyone watch the Knicks last night - we have a PG!!!!

    Jeremy Lin - I am not a harvard alum but I have to say I can't help but root for the small guy playing amongst the forest of NBA players. He is sooooooooooooooo much more of a distributor vs tony douglas or old man bibby. Tyson Chandler must love him because every time he gets the ball from...
  11. Hawkeye

    Dakuwaqa's Garden - underwater footage from Fiji & Tonga

    Not sure if this was posted previously. Anyways - if you click on closed captions, it provides the common names on the fish/inverts. However it's a bit fast - so I had to watch it twice (once with the closed captions and once without). Make sure you to catch it in HD. http://youtu.be/mcbHKAWIk3I
  12. Hawkeye

    Ny knicks...

    I just finished watching the 2 OT loss to Denver. I miss Danilo - as his play has continued to grow and I guess in DENVER they recognize good talent because they keep feeding that ball to him. Gallinari, the italian stallion scored 37 points tonight against his old team. Even more eye...
  13. Hawkeye

    Sargassum Triggerfish

    Hey - I saw a nice specimen at AqOb today. Anyone with experience keeping this fish? I understand that this triggerfish is more reefsafe than others. I have zero shrimp in my tank, but I do have two tangs that will probably see new fish as an intruder. Anyways - comments welcome! oh and...
  14. Hawkeye

    Lucky to be employed...

    Walked in to work today to get an urgent message to join a call with our managing director, except instead of him, it was our senior HR rep who got on and told me my boss, and his boss were both let go effective immediately. I now report to a director in London. Phew....just another day at...
  15. Hawkeye

    check these clams out from dr. mac...gorgeous!

    So who has the clams to pay for this beauty? http://www.pacificeastaquaculture.com/One-of-a-Kind-Chimera-Maxima-Clam-WYSIWYG-Prodview.html Actually I find this one more to my taste: http://www.pacificeastaquaculture.com/Tahitian-Super-Ultra-Maxima-Clam-V-D2128-Prodview.html but my wallet...
  16. Hawkeye

    The NFL this past weekend...

    The Giants game sounded like the place was rocking. Must have been a blast for you guys who went. It's amazing how the playoffs you can tell the intensity of the games are ratcheted up so much. Too bad the 1st qtr was so dull...unless you want to watch punters...hahaha. Did anyone watch...
  17. Hawkeye

    NJRC mentioned in Tropical Fish Hobbyist February 2012

    Hey guys - I signed a waiver for two pics I took at the NJRC frag swap. Supposedly they used them (unless it got edited) in the feb edition of TFH 2012. I checked out the digital version and it seems to be a section called "Aquarium Society News" on page 105. Anyone have it? Shari H was...
  18. Hawkeye

    Calibrating Refractometer...how do you do it?

    All - over the course of several months, a friend of mine has been diligently changing the water in his tank, except only last weekend (when i went over) did he realize his refractometer (from marine depot) was calibrated erroneously. I checked his salinity and it read 10ppm. But his...
  19. Hawkeye

    RIP Courtney O'Bryan

    A good friend of mine had at attend the funeral of an 18yr old (courtney) who died over the weekend in a car accident in PA. They were going out early in the morning to Buffalo, NY to fund-raise for pediatric cancer (it's an annual thing the kids at PSU do). I guess this post is just to...
  20. Hawkeye

    My trip to Hong Kong...

    Pics from Ocean Park - an amusement park type place similar to seaworld. We went on a monday and unfortunately I guess so did all the schools because I had a very hard time taking pics without getting elbowed. First of all - i think there is some stereotype about asians and cameras - well I...