Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
It was so GROSS. It was not engorged but the thing was attached on like a clam to the substrate. It was so so so nasty. I'm going to have a hard time eating dinner tonight. In Manhattan we dealt with roaches big and small and of course the kids had head lice check ups but out here in Jersey do I...
I placed this on my LR yesterday and thought it had tilted over a little and wanted to set it again - and to my surprise - it was completely locked in. :)
Love it - as always - great healthy and sweet deal. It is a rare clam that looks nice from above AND from the side!
Now I need to move that...
I know most of you probably already do this - but I just adjusted a feature on my profile and I think it makes the board much easier to read.
Basically i'm on here so much that typically when a thread is updated - I really just want to read the last post. up until recently, I'd have to click...
I have a pearly jawfish. I had two but after almost a year of living in the tank - the second suddenly decided that the new T5 fixture was not to his liking and carpet surfed.
Now my second pearly, and the older one at that (almost 2 years) is showing very strange behavior. First it vacated...