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Search results

  1. Hawkeye

    NJRC 2011 Frag Swap Pictures!

    Banner Display (sweet!) for NJAAS. Table for kids to trace/draw a horseshoe crab, plus great factual info. Bin with live horseshoe crab and starfish. Nice to have a touch area for the young reefers. Horseshoe Crab Horseshoe crab eggs. Interesting that the eggs are greenish/grey like this...
  2. Hawkeye

    I killed 2 years of SPS growth (tri-color validia)

    As the winter approached, I decided I could increase the length of lights on the T5s - to spur more growth on my SPS. Results: Tri-color validia (maybe purple bonsai) frags went into RTN. It was weird - the yellow polyps would still glow at night, but the purple completely recessed into white...
  3. Hawkeye

    Replaced the furnace...found some really OLD stuff.

    Anyone listen to Chuck Berry? For you young people - that would be a vinyl record. Anyone want some phone numbers - names? from 1971? there was even a doctor's appointment card inside. Guess he/she missed that one! d'oh.
  4. Hawkeye

    My nem ate my copperband

    As some of you know i was away a few weeks ago on a brief business trip for 48 hrs. When I got back my copperband was nowhere to be found (not on floor or the overflows or sump, and no pets that would eat anything off the floor). I asked my wife if she noticed the anemone spitting anything out...
  5. Hawkeye

    NJ man arrested/fined for having 4 tortoises in backyard (one was 320 pounds)

    http://www.app.com/article/20111018/NJNEWS/310180129/Highlands-man-fined-keeping-giant-tortoises-his-backyard Article says he had kept the larger tortoise for over 20 years. Give the man kudos for keeping a pet so long.
  6. Hawkeye

    Central AC / Furnace Question

    Hey there - anyone using a frigidaire furnace/or central AC? Curious if anyone has any positive or nightmare stories. looking to dump my really really old furnace/compressor (circa 1990) and going with a hi-eff /16 seer one. Thanks!
  7. Hawkeye

    AMC show "walking dead"

    Is it just me or are the main characters just plain dumb?
  8. Hawkeye

    Trip to Austin, Texas (home of the LongHorns, and the Tunze repair site!)

    I only had a brief two days in Austin to meet with a vendor, and met up with some family. But the pics below are almost all of the two LFS I briefly stopped in. I decided against fighting the TSA in terms of buying anything live. First place: drop off my osmolator. TSA in Newark looked at my...
  9. Hawkeye

    9-11-2001 A day to remember

    For me I will always remember it when it stood. the plaza has like 50 mph winds/gusts and the underground mall was huge. You could walk forever underneath there to avoid the wintry weather above. On that date my wife (pregnant at the time) and I were living in NY but I was working in NJ. I was...
  10. Hawkeye

    Wireless printers and power outages = unable to connect

    After an hour of fruitless printing I finally figured out I had to update the Ip address on the port on my pcs in order to "print" to the wireless printer again. Not sure if anyone else has a wireless printer that isn't printing - but the reason (apparently) is that the loss of power forces a...
  11. Hawkeye

    Adventure Aquarium "Fun" days for $15 an adult

    For a limited time only, now through November 23, visit America's Most Touchable Aquarium for just $15 a ticket, for adult or children's admission. There's not better time to visit Adventure Aquarium than this fall - get up close to penguins, seals, hippos, sharks, stingrays, sea turtles and...
  12. Hawkeye

    While we wait for this storm to come/pass...how about some inspiration? 965 DT

    Here's a big tank I just came across (it's been up since 2009 - so i'm just slow to view it I guess). Just think if we had to supply a backup generator for this beast! Here's the (sketchit?) display tank (located in Thailand) After the build: sure would be nice to have that kind of...
  13. Hawkeye


    This is the chaeto I harvested today. It went to a member already (who I found out works at my office...crazy how small this world is eh?) anyways - last month I mailed a similar gallon bag to a non-member. She paid all of $8 for it. I am an expensive shipper. I should have another batch in...
  14. Hawkeye

    Twitter...who does this?

    I noticed our club has an acct. But it hasn't been used very much. So am I just old and not understanding this. Is this the thing to get on or will this also pass like cabbage patch kids, the vhs and rotary phones? Also when I search for NJRC on twitter - it appears to be some type of...
  15. Hawkeye


    testing Phil the (reply to thread) button won't let you reply to this thread. So lt looks like Taz found the fix.
  16. Hawkeye

    Happy Birthday PHYL!

    Hope all is well. John is making a mess of things here. HAHAHAHHAA!
  17. Hawkeye

    Sandy Hook (pics from the bay side)

    Last year it was nice for NJRC to do a beach clean up at Sandy Hook. It was scenic and beautiful. With summer here it's interesting how many more cars/people there are - although still not as crazy as say jenkinsons. anyways - on the bay side of the park, the low tide recedes enough to find...
  18. Hawkeye

    Members only - Free Yellow Coris Wrasse (one only)

    older pic (as in BEFORE macna atlantic city) before it developed the red/green markings on the face: Caveats: Loves to murder small snails. Just recently jumped out of the tank and hit the floor hard. It is hanging in there by a thread in the sump. Frankly i'm not sure if he lives the night...
  19. Hawkeye

    Is it normal to find frogs in your backyard?

    So I decided to get to the back and mow the yard down shorter as we do get rabbits in the back and I was thinking maybe a tick on a rabbit hops onto grass and then on to my kid. Anyways - I'm mowing and I see something hop out of the way - tiny like a cricket you might get at the LFS. On closer...
  20. Hawkeye

    I was at a ballet recital today at George Street Playhouse in new brunswick...

    So aside from my tick story - I have another story to share. I can't get over the tick - since that thing was on my daughter the entire time she did her ballet recital today!!! :P Anyways - we're at the recital and the place is freezing and we just finished watching two performances (there are...