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Search results

  1. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    I have been scouring the internet for this species because I am very interested in buying it. I just want to know more about it before I do. I can't seem to find it anywhere which is fascinating in itself.
  2. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    I am going to have to rule out the red line wrasse as well because they have different dorsal fin patterns as well as the fact that on this wrasse. The eye bar runs through the eye and the red line it runs under and over the eye.
  3. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    The dorsal fin and anal fin is actually blue. The rest of the wrasse has a pink head and the color fades to white. It has white barring throughout the eye and face. That's just a little description I could give from viewing in person. The only concerning thing with it being that species is that...
  4. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    Thank you! i looked up that wrasse and they don't look anything alike. Are there different morphs and such of mystery wrasse? I only ask because they don't resemble any of the same identifications when looking up how to identify juvenile or adult mystery wrasse.
  5. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    I have no idea what kind of wrasse this is.. maybe someone else does?
  6. R

    WTB Hydra 52 Mount

    Looking to buy a mount for my hydra 52. Let me know 07885
  7. R

    Joe's IM Fusion 20

    Thank you! I'll soon be upgrading to a 40 breeder
  8. R

    Joe's IM Fusion 20

    Sorry for the late picture! This is post cleaning, so not everything is completely open yet.. as y'all can see lots is changes have been made!
  9. R

    My 38 wall tank redo

    Update on the clam?
  10. R

    LTS: IM Fusion 20

    Okay thank you!
  11. R

    LTS: IM Fusion 20

    I am not sure if this is the place for this, but I am looking to soon sell my Innovative Marine Fusion 20. It is the tank and stand in great condition. It has been used for less than a year and I am selling because I am looking to upgrade.
  12. R

    wtb scolies

    Yeah I can't help you there lol
  13. R

    wtb scolies

    Where are you from? @PhillyD
  14. R

    wtb scolies

    Where are ya now?
  15. R

    wtb scolies

    Are you looking for a retailer selling them or do you want them from a personal tank?
  16. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics

    Definitely worth your time! I will be visiting later today to see a new shipment.
  17. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics

    He is open from 11a-7p every day besides Monday. Located on the side of the enterprise across the street from the CVS
  18. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics

    Yes I should have tagged it! I would highly advise a visit to all my fellow reefers asap!
  19. R

    Ocean Image Aquatics

    It is a hidden gem and a must visit
  20. R

    Feeder Grass Shrimp?

    Sea Level constantly has as tank full