Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Has a crack brace holding up adjustment tube. does not affect performance at all. pulls like a champ. too small for me. 125 is member price, 150 nonmember price
Looking for some Macros near lacey. Ive got chaeto already, so looking for other macros. i had ulva but it sort of broke apart on me. there may be some in the tank no idea since im getting a lot of hair algae and gloopy stuff in the refigium.
This is good up to a 40 gallon tank. There is a small crack on the back which will not impact performance. You simply silicone this inside your tank and you can ditch the HOB. Also good if you don't have a drilled tank. Can be used on larger tank with smaller bioload if you're the type to have...
i think im going to take the dive and buy a new fixture, i really really didnt want to but i think it is going to be necessary. ok heres the background and the plan: the tank is 36x18x8. i want to shoot for sps mainly but i am a sucker for a bit of lps. initially i think the tank will be for cuc...
anyone see the new BRS video format? what do you think of it?
idk but like every commercial on my phone is BRS, I don't think I've ever bought anything from them. most of my purchases are from Marine Depot or saltwater Aquarium
maybe they'll stop spamming me if I buy something lol
thinking of using these for my closed loop. Thoughts, recommendations, feedback, opposing ideas?
does nyone have any of these? my order from live aquaria was supposed to be here saturday and delayed with the storm. wanted to pick up 5 or 10 until my order gets ghere if someone can spare it
i think they have it at acc but its a hike for me