Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
NJNG selling power strips on their site with instant rebate
recently put a squamosa clam in my tank and it looks like hes got aiptasia growing on the shell and possibly inside. i found one of these guys growing in a dead coral, pulled the rock, broke off the coral and thought i was clear. now i see more, which could be unrelated- could have come one the...
I wanted to try this stuff out, and i kno i should probably buy the small bottle conisdering how small my tank is but 1l is like 4x at much for just double to cost. so my q? is how long does this last in the fridge?
so I left these two bottles of phyto outside for like 9 months and they survived everything. brought them in last night refilled water that leaked out and set them up in the sun. will hook up bubblers and more light this evening but wow this stuff can survive anything
im putting in an order for formalin, but it comes with two bottles of 500 ml. its 20 for the meds and 10 for shipping. i do not need both bottles and i believe shelf life is something like 24 months but 6 months after you open it
does someone want one of the bottles for $15?
from the...
i am going to get some purple tangs. i will pass them along to club members at my cost (not making a dollar here- just passing along a deal that i got), thats $150.
title says it all. just decided to sell this guy now. nothing wrong with him except i dint have any aiptasia for him to eat. i have been feeding him meaty foods. i had anemones that he never bothered. idk what else to say about him except he is a very cool looking fish. has held his own with my...