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Search results

  1. H

    HerbieK Blast from the Past Giving a Shoutout to Any Old Timers

    Herb aka HerbieK is alive and well and retired in Ocean View Delaware. Don’t have a tank but have been fishing the beaches in the big tank. Any old timers lurking about?
  2. H

    HerbiK Blast from the Past Shoutout to You Old Timers

    Any old timers lurking about? Herb aka HerbieK is still alive and retired in Ocean View Delaware. No tank but fishing the beaches in the big tank.
  3. H

    Black Friday Free Stuff Kendall Park NJ

    Take a look. Filter socks, auto top off, CO2 controller setup, RO/DI, reactors, etc. Come and take it! Herb
  4. H

    Free Filter Socks I Have 25 of Them Kendall Park NJ

    I have 25 filter socks that I believe are 200 micron. 4 inch rings X 14 inches long. Why not get started with filter socks, as you can’t beat the price? Get a bunch and you only have to wash once in a while. Can use a washing but otherwise excellent condition. Come get yours today. Thanks...
  5. H

    Free 29 Gallon Tank and knock down Stand

    I have a 29 gallon tank and knock down stand that is great for any temporary situations like hospital, QT or isolating a less than cooperative specimen. I am in Kendall Park NJ 08824. Thanks. Herb
  6. H

    Six AI Hydra 52s for Sale Kendall Park nj

    Let’s shed some some new light on your SPS. I have 3 black and 3 white Hydra 52s for Sale. These are non HD, not sure of age and they have not been run full bore and were only on a higher setting for a few hours a day. $225.00 each. Buy 3 and get an AI director wireless controller...
  7. H

    Mag Pump Riot in Kendall Park NJ Mag 24, 18, and 2 9s

    Pump up the volume with a Mag pump. I have the following for sale: Mag 24 w/ bonus new impeller in box $125.00 Mag 18 $100.00 Mag 9 $50.00 These pumps were never used for continuous duty. Used to move water for water changes and water mixing only. Cash or PayPal. Thanks. Herb
  8. H

    Blue line Pumps for Sale, Kendall Park NJ

    Two Blueline pumps for sale 40X HD $125.00 30X HD $100.00 These are in excellent condition. Cash or PayPal. Thanks. Herb
  9. H

    Chiller, 80 watt UV, Temp Controller, Kendall Park NJ

    Summer is coming so why not chill out with a 1/4 horse chiller $100.00? Don’t lose your cool, Control this beast of a chiller and your heaters too with a 2 way temp controller $75.00. Are your fish itchy and scratchy? An 80 watt UV sterilizer could be just what the doctor ordered, yours now...
  10. H

    Schuran Jetstream 1 Calcium Reactor, Kendall Park NJ

    Folks: It is time to part with my calcium reactor. This baby is German engineering at it’s finest.! Very conservative of CO2 and media and highly efficient. Kept my SPS growing like mad in my 180. This thing goes for over 700 euro in Germany. Yours today for 350 american $$$$. Cash or...
  11. H

    2 MP 40s for Sale Kendall Park

    2 mp40s for Sale, non QD, not pretty but cheap and get the job done. 150 each and if you buy 2 I will throw in an extra wet side. Each comes with new style wet sides. Bonus wet side is old style. Cash or pay pal. Thanks. Herb
  12. H

    Bubble King Double Cone 200 skimmer Kendall Park, NJ

    I have a like new used a little over 1 year BK Double Cone 200 with Red Dragon 3 mini speedy Controllable dc pump. This is the skimmer your sump is crying out for. It is the real deal, this will be your last skimmer. This thing has titanium screws for crying out loud! Asking $750.00 for the...
  13. H

    Free 180 Gallon Reef Ready AGA Tank

    My old tank. Dual cornerflows and stand pipes. Come and take it. Herb
  14. H

    Thank You to All NJ Reefers!

    Fellow Reefers: After a good long run and many meetings and kick butt holiday parties I am closing up shop! Winding down the tank is a bitter sweet affair. Maybe someday I will get back into the hobby, but right now, priorities have shifted, but I guess that is how life goes! My corals live...
  15. H

    FREE Rock, Kendall Park nj

    I have a ton of rock. Some in brut in garage, some in tank. Tank does have some algae. Free for the taking. Otherwise it will be thrown out. I have some branch, some base, all different kinds. Pedigree not known, though I think it was Marshall island. Herb
  16. H

    Pre Break Down Coral Cleanout FREE

    Folks: Decided to break down and part out, so remaining coral must go. Also, free rock as well. Caution there is some hair algae. Have tons of rock in bucket in garage. Sorry for lousy pics. Come and get it! Herb
  17. H

    High End 180 Gallon Tank and Equipment - Kendall Park, NJ $2,000.00 Including Bubble King

    Equipment Standard 6 ft 2X2X6 foot AGA reef ready dual overflow tank AGA Oak Stand 6 Aqua Illumication Hydra 52 lights 4 MP40s 4 Tunze controllable pumps, 2 large 2 6055 nanostreams Tunze Controller 4 Tunze Nanostream 6025, some might be 6045s 1 Schuran Jetstream 1 Calcium Reactor 1 10...
  18. H

    Flash Rock Sale Kendall Park 2.00 a Pound

    My tank is torn apart right now. Boy do I have a lot of rock! This weekend only. Come and take some off of my hands. Thanks. Herb
  19. H

    3/4 Inch Sea Swirl Current Oscillator

    Kendall Park, NJ 75.00 This thing is great for SPS to create chaotic flow. I have 2 on my 180 I am breaking down, and this is an extra I had laying around. I love these things on my returns. Get yours today! Thanks Herb