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Search results

  1. H

    Milwaukee Martini Lab Grade Low phosphate Tester

    I have a gently used Milwaukee Martini lab grade low phosphate meter for sale. Reagents are expired but all else is in perfect working condition. I am in Kendall Park NJ. 75.00. I have had this for a while, not used in years. This is a nice accurate unit. A steal at this price. Thanks. Herb
  2. H

    Free SPS - Kendall Park NJ

    I am switching over to a fish only system due to my lack of time to devote to proper coral care. I would like to get rid of my remaining acro/SPS colonies before they suffer due to neglect. Here is a full tank shot. First come first served, meaning first to show up. Not sure of any specific...
  3. H

    Free 90 Gallon Tank and Stand

    I used this setup for QT for 6 months. Center brace is broken, but was no problem. Not reef ready, but can include overflow equipment. Herb
  4. H

    More Goodies from HerbieK

    Nice heavy duty foldable stand and 29 gal tank. Good for qt and hospital. 50.00 Reef Octo pellet reactor m/ Mag pump. 60.00. 90 gal tank and stand. Stand not great, but gets job done. Tank center brace cracked. I had my whole 180 fish stock in it for months while 180 was “fallow”. 50.00...
  5. H

    Various Cleanout Items

    Blueline electronic MH ballast, mogul socket and wiring 30.00 18 Wat UV not sure of brand, lights up, but most likely needs bulb 20.00 3 AI wireless converters, makes old AI Sol wireless 20.00 each or all 3 for 50. Milwaukee Redox controller, w/o probe . Barely used. 30.00 Thanks fo looking...
  6. H

    Winding Down

    Anne and I just bought a place in southern Delaware in Ocean View, one town over from Bethany Beach. It is time to begin winding down my tank so I can fix up my floor where my tank is. We will most likely be moving within a year or two. Been busy getting the DE house set up for summer rental...
  7. H

    FREE Large Orange Cap Frags and Neon Green Spongoides

    Just blew up a large colony of orange cap and neon green spongoides. A hammer and screwdriver did the trick! Come and build your own large colony, or take whatever you want. Some whorly nice pieces. Can't beat the price. Herb
  8. H

    Selling My Emporer Angel

    Seeing what the interest is in my emp. You can see his pic on the Dec 10 holiday meeting threads. Fat and healthy. Eats anything you throw in the water, even will take from your hand. About 3 years old, had him since he was a little stripey baby. Looking for 175.00 Thanks. Herb
  9. H

    All Heaters Suck!

    I just had a titanium heater failure. This is my third. The other day I was hand feeding my emperor angel and thought to myself, gee this water seems cool. Looking at my controller, I saw my temp was 72! Luckily, I had bought a 300 W Petsmart backup heater during that cold snap we had last...
  10. H

    Free Orange Cap Colony

    About 4 in. Plus wide. Good color. Come and take it before It gets thrown out. Kendall Park Nj 08824 Herb
  11. H

    Free Frags In Kendall Park, NJ

    I have some nice sized orange cap colonies that need to be gone. Also some nice acro colonies that need trimming. You can see pics of my tank on the landing page of the website, the ones that scroll. Please be sure your tank can handle sps as I don't want to send anything off to a grisly...
  12. H

    Free SPS Frags

    I have some acro frags available. Some are mini colony sized. Nice color and will also trim some colonies while you are here to cut some frags to order. Herb
  13. H

    Free Acro and other Frags

    Doing some trimming. Free frags for the taking. Most of you who know me know my frags are not tiny little stubs. These are not junk corals either. You will not be disappointed. Herb
  14. H

    Please Take Some of My Green Star Polyp "Lawn"

    I have a lawn of star polyps in my tank. I would be more than happy to give some large patches of GSP "sod" to any takers. I will be around tomorrow, Sunday and Monday MLK day. Take my star polyps, please. Herb
  15. H

    Free Green Star Polyps 08824

    Free GSP for the taking. Nice and long like grass. Great color. Lots available. Come and get em. Herb
  16. H

    No February Meeting????????

    What's up with that? Very unusual.
  17. H

    Herbie's New Fish Pics

    Here are a few pics of the new fish... Enjoy! Herb
  18. H

    Herbie's Post Hurricane Fish Repopulation

    As many of you may know, the majority of my fish were wiped out due to a generator failure during the hurricane. I have finally repopulated the tank from a variety of sources. I still have a decent amount of my SPS that survived the hurricane, but I did lose many long established colonies...
  19. H

    Herbie's Update

    Well, after the power came back on quickly, I thought I was out of the woods as far as corals go. Boy was I wrong. Many of my colonies are RTNing rightbefre my eyes. I did a 40 gal w/c with water that was salted, mixed and up to temp, but I did not let it "cook" overnite as usual. It looks...
  20. H

    Generator Failure Wipes Out Herbie's Fish Stock

    The death toll : Regal Angel Emperor Angel Sail Fin Tang Hippo Tang Kole Tang Naso Tang Powder Brown Tang Vrolik's Wrasse Lemon Peel Angel Flame Angel 2X Bangai's 6X green Chromis (2 survivors) Right now all coral colonies look OK, but still need to recover the Emp's body, or I can still have...