• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. H

    Biopellets, When do they kick in?????

    I have been running BRS pellets for about 7 weeks now, and my nitrates have not moved at all. My LaMotte nitrate kit looks like grape juice (clear is 0 nitrates). This is off the charts at over 10. I have been adding Zeobak a few times a week. From what I heard from folks at the Sept...
  2. H

    Look Out SPS, Here Come the Bio Pellets

    Well, the tank looks good and a lot of people say if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but I took the plunge and am now running BRS Bio Pellets. I do have some small cyano patches and a few tufts of hair algae in lower flow spots (if that is possible in my tank, it's like a Jacuzzi in there - 4...
  3. H

    Free Frags In Kendall Park, 08824

    Blue Tipped Purple Slimer Miyagi Tort I just finished renovating some colonies that have grown out of control, and that means free "trimmings". I reduced the size of the colonies so they are now maybe 1/4 the size of the original. The remaining stumps and extra branches I did not use are...
  4. H

    July Meeting Host?

    Didn't know where to post this, but I don't see any mention of a July meeting. If no one is stepping up, I hereby volunteer the services of the HerbieK house. Any of you grand exhaulted, high club officials out there have any comments? Let me know. Herb
  5. H

    Free SPS Frags - Kendall Park, NJ

    Sorry for the lousy pic. These are not caps. The green one is more of a Spongoides type of coral that forms a cap like plate, but sends up spires. The other also is a thick plating coral that can grow cap like, but also sends up spires. The green is about 1.5 to 2 inches, the other two are...
  6. H

    Miami Orchid Colony for Sale, 08824

    I have a somewhat large Miami Orchid Colony for Sale. Local pickup only. This guy is about 10 in. + high and maybe 5 inches wide. I am trying to keep my colony sizes down, and this guy is just blocking too much light. $120.00. If no interest in the whole colony, I will chop out some huge...
  7. H

    Free SPS Trimmings.

    I am re-arranging some stuff in the tank. I have some large green cap w/ purple rim frags, some green slimer frags and some other stuff that broke off as I am working. I have seen other people actually selling frags of this size, but I am giving them away. I was going to throw this stuff out...
  8. H

    Free Purple Cap Frag, 08824

    This thing is 6 inches long and about 3 inches wide, and beginning to "swirl". Hopefully someone comes for this before I throw it out! Herb
  9. H

    Large Green Slimer Colony or Huge Frags

    I am going to clear out my huge green slimer colony in the center of my tank. This one has provided frags to many a club member. I am looking to move the whole thing, or some very large colony sized frags (4 - 5 inches, branching). The whole shebang is 8 - 10 inches high and about a foot...
  10. H

    Metal Halide Madness Sale

    Located in beautiful South Brunswick, New Jersey, local pickup only. I have the following items for sale at blowout prices: 3 X Blue Line 250 watt electronic ballasts $30.00 each, these retail for $125.00 new. All 3 for $75.00, that's 3 ballasts for less that 2/3 the price of a single new one...
  11. H

    It's Party Time - Combo 50th Birthday Party

    Hello fellow reefers: Myself and Mrs. HerbieK are both turning 50 in the very near future, and we are throwing ourselves a huge 100th (50th X 2) Birthday bash. The festivities will take place on 6/26/2010 from noon to whenever. I know we have a June meeting planned for that day, but Kendall...
  12. H

    Frags for Sale in Kendall Park, NJ 08824

    Frags for Sale, Local Pickup Only Kendall Park, NJ 08824 All will be decent sized fresh cut frags unless otherwise noted. You will not be disappointed. I have a habit of throwing in a freebie too! Green Slimer Colony Absolutely Fluorescent Under Actinics $50.00 A. Formosa - $20.00 ORA...
  13. H

    Frags for Sale, Kendall Park, NJ 08824

    I have a few items for sale as follows: Green Star Polyps, long wavy and fluorescent, $10.00 and up, will give you several square inches. You will not be disappointed. Red Planet Colony, by no Means a frag $60.00. This is about 5 in. long. Blue Tip Stag colony, $40.00, over 6 inches wide...
  14. H

    Frags for March Meeting Anyone?

    I have some frags of superman and some others if anyone is interested for you March meeting goers. I also have a blue tipped stag colony that I am looking to sell. The superman frags have awesome blue color w/ red polyps, encrusted on a standard frag plug. You will not be disappointed. The...
  15. H

    Free Frags in Kendall Park, NJ

    I have some purple cap and green poccillopora that I am looking to get rid of. These will be large pieces up to several inches in size, more like mini colonies. First come, first served. Thanks for looking. Herb
  16. H

    Free Koralia 4 Parts - Prop/Magnet Shaft and Front Cover

    The subject says it all. I believe these parts are from a Koralia 4. Anyone in need of some parts, let me know. Thanks. Herb
  17. H

    Wattage Used When Restricting Pump Flow

    At the July meeting, there was a discussion involving what happens to wattage used when restricting pump flow. I hooked my Kill-A-Watt up to my chiller pump (Gen-X), which has a ball valve on the outflow side. When I turned down the flow (closed the ball valve slightly), the wattage used...
  18. H

    Catching Fish In A Reef

    Anyone have any tricks or tips (besides spear fishing, which I am considering!) for catching a fairly large Powder Blue tang in a 180? This guy's coral munching days are coming to a close. I don't want to tear down my rockwork if I can help it. Much of my colonies/frags are attached to the rocks...
  19. H

    Fooli ng Around with New Phosphate Colorimeter

    I just got a Milwaukee/Martini low phosphate colorimeter. Nice unit, cheaper than a Hanna, comes with reagents for 100 tests and a case for about $170.00. Just mixed up some IO for a water change, and just for laughs, checked the Phosphate level. It came in at .01, which is not too shabby. I...
  20. H

    Another Trigger Jumps

    I can't believe that I had another trigger jump out of my tank! I just got a very nice pink tail trigger from Ocean Gallery II in North Plainfield. He was eating great, and was even out roaming around the tank checking it out. When I got home from work today, I was looking for the trigger, and...