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Search results

  1. H

    Water Change Disasters - A New Twist!!!

    It's water change time! A new 45 Gallon Brute full of my custom blended IO/Reef Crystals cocktail. I turned off all of my pumps, heaters, skimmer, ATO and other tank related gear in preparation for my water change. Pumped out my 40 Gal sump and was ready to refill. My 10 year old son at the...
  2. H

    My First Jumper

    My blue jaw trigger went in search of a better life outside of the reef and met with a tragic end! I hadn't seen him for a day or so, and he wasn't in his usual hidey hole. I took out the flashlight and there he was behind the tank on the floor, dried up and covered in dust and dirt. Not a...
  3. H

    Powder Blue SPS Muncher

    I have a Powder Blue Tang in my 180 that seems to be developing a taste for a blue tipped stag and a teal acro. Has anyone ever experienced this type of behavior in a powder blue? He is a really beautiful fish, and I would hate to boot him out of the reef. I am wondering what could be the cause...
  4. H

    Stan is the Man For SPS Frags in Central NJ

    Anyone who lives in the central Jersey area in need of any SPS frags, Stan (smcooler) is the man. Great tank, great guy, great selection. He has tons of mounted frags and can also fresh cut some for you. I have dealt with him on several occasions, and all of his stuff is top notch. It is worth...
  5. H

    Critters Anyone????

    I could use a few peppermints and other assorted odds and ends. Anyone up for a critter order? I am in South Brunswick and could handle the order. I am not sure of any upcoming group buys. If we go over $99.00 shipping and box is free. Any takers? Let me know. Herb
  6. H

    Skimmer Question

    I have been running a Bermuda Aquatics BPS-5C on my 180 for a couple of months and it is by far the best skimmer I have used. Currently the skimmer outflow pipe is under the water level in my sump. Will this affect the performance? Can I cut the outflow pipe so it is above the waterline without...
  7. H

    Anyone have any group buy phosban?

    Anyone going to the Sept. Meeting have any of the phosban leftover from the group buy that they might be willing to part with? I am looking to buy some. Thanks. Herb
  8. H

    Anyone Going to the Sept. Meeting Have any Millis?

    I am looking for some millis to repopulate my new 180 after my tank crash back in May. Anyone out there with millis to sell let me know. Thanks Herb
  9. H

    Bermuda Aquatics Skimmer Update

    I know there was some interest in an ASM skimmer thread that I started about my new Bermuda Aquatics BPS-5C skimmer, so here's a Week 1 update: This skimmer produces skimmate better than anything I ever owned, which includes a Top Fathom (Venturi), AquaC EV-180 w/ Mag 9.5 (Spray injection) and...
  10. H

    ASM Skimmer Feedback

    I am most likely getting an ASM G-4 Plus skimmer in the group buy for my 180 gallon SPS tank. I will probably not be modding it right away. Does anyone have any experience w/ ASM skimmers? How noisy are they? Would this be OK for my 180? Will it perform decently out of the box? I was also...
  11. H

    Bulkhead Sealing... To Silicone or Not to Silicone

    I was in the process of leak testing my plumbing with two one inch bulkheads. I have one that leaked, and another that did not leak. Does anyone have any experience siliconing a bulhead? Are there any drawbacks??? Any input is appreciated. Thanks. Herb
  12. H

    Canopy for 6 Foot Tanks

    Does any one have a good design for a 6 Foot tank Canopy? I am looking to house my 3 SE MH reflectors and 2 six foot VHO tubes. I built one for my 90 gal 4 ft tank, but I think my design may not suit a six foot tank. Pictures or links to pics would be appreciated. Thanks! Herb
  13. H

    Tank Drilling

    I just got 2 $6.00 1 3/4 inch diamond hole saw bits from Hong Kong the other day. I also purchased a drill guide that is similar to the one the guy uses in the tank drilling video that has been posted around on RC. My total purchase was less than 50.00. In a total of about 10 minutes, I drilled...
  14. H

    Substrate in Fuge

    I was wondering what kind of substrate people are using in their fuge. I am looking to potentially create a deep sand bad to promote denitrification. I am using a 20 gal high as a fuge, which will contain some rock rubble and chaeto. Let me know what kind of fuge setup you are running...
  15. H

    Looking for Rock

    I will be setting up a 180 gallon reef w/in the next month or so and I am in need of some rock. I know some folks are getting out of the hobby and blowing out some rock, and I am interested in what you might have left. I am looking for some decent sized pieces. Anyone out there with any surplus...
  16. H

    Tank Move Disaster - Heavy Losses Continue...

    After my Memorial Day tank move weekend, the death toll is still mounting. I have lost over 50 percent of my SPS including some nice acro and milli colonies that I have had for several years. All my remaining SPS have turned a dark, dark brown, and have none of their original color. I believe...
  17. H

    The Tank Is in the Basement, First Mission Accomplished

    The 90 gal is now in the basement, my livestock is sitting in a 40 gal breeder and a 20 gal high (future sump and fuge for the 180). My rock is mostly in buckets sitting all over the house. Man, I didn't think I had this much rock. I think I really needed about double the water I had made up...
  18. H

    Just Got A New AGA Modern Series Stand for my 180

    I can't believe this thing is going to hold my tank! It looks like most of the weight will be supported on the ends by mostly 3/4 inch plywood. I guess this was designed for this tank, so I will not worry. Based on what I have seen from some of the DIY stand builds, those stands are built like...
  19. H

    Calling All Glass Tank Drillers

    I am in the process of setting up my new 180 gallon system and will need some drilling help. I will need to drill a 40 gal breeder sump and a 20 gal high fuge. Anyone out there have the drilling gear? I would be happy to travel to your location bearing gifts of frags, frankincense and beer...
  20. H

    T5 Orientation Question

    I am in the process of planning a new hood for my 180 Gal and I am torn between VHO or T5 supplementation for my 3 250 Watt 10K MHs. I am thinking of going T5 w/ 8 24 inch bulbs oriented perpendicular to the tank, putting them in pairs between my MH reflectors which will also have my MH SE...