Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I've been fighting some cyanobacteria in my frag tank and used chemi-clean to rid my tank of it - it brought on dino's which I am actively fighting off. I constantly baste corals & tank to free the dino's to the water column. My question is your standard green algae is appearing to...
I know everyone posts one of these at some time or another during their hobby lifeline. It's a right of passage at this point.
I confirmed i do in fact have brown dinos - the stringy type... I let my nitrates & phosphates bottom out.... right when I thought my tank was going to succeed...
I am trying fix this piece of ABS plastic to the back of the tank to stop light from spilling over into the back chambers of my AIO. Does anyone have a good idea on how to adhere this? Obviously I'd trim it down to smaller sections.
I am fighting red cyanobacteria in the frag tank and just like the dino's in my display tank upstairs it's suffocating corals - especially the fresh frags. It grows a film over & than the zoanthids close up and don't open until I take a tooth brush and scrub the plug. This results in...
I have realized I will be working form home for the foreseeable future. I have decided that during this time I will be quarantining a fish thoroughly for my frank tank in which fish keep dying. I will be getting a baby yellow tang from most likely the Petco in Paramus. I am looking...
So in my frag tank I had a six line wrasse & a algae blenny. The six line had died & against my better judgement bought a new one and dumped him right in. He died in two days due to a serious sore that wasn't visible at first... I didn't replace him due to being upset and now my algae...
Daily inspection for today located what seems to be a feather duster... but I hope not Aiptasia... I have not added anything new to the tank for a while so I am not sure why anything appears abnormal. I guess I actually added some bumble bee snails - but thoughtfully cleaned their...
I just want to confirm my code is correct all this time...
Fallback ON (this will keep on if apex gets disconnected)
OSC 000:00/002:00/118:00 (this will turn the pump on for two minutes every 118 minutes?
Then on (repeats)
I am struggling with my frag tank... my display tank (separate system) which is more mixed reef (fish & coral) balances itself better. So here goes. My frag tank is a 34 deep blue with a 15ish gallon sump. I run (2) kessil A160we tuna blue's. The tank started minimal cycled & than...
Does anyone have a PAR meter northern jersey that either wants to lend it to me or swing by and test my tanks??
I think I need to adjust my lights but just don't know how much
How do you guys feel about it ? Reliable ? I have a single BRS 1.1 right now and I'm looking to eventually dose calcium and mg as well and I'm wondering how it's perceived by the club
So today's my 25th birthday and my parents got me a protein skimmer for the frag tank icecap k1-100 and the bottom leg came broken off.. it's always something. It appears to be acrylic board so I'm just going to super glue it unless someone has a better idea.
My fish tank is becoming more mature and it's using more and more alk. I've been testing weekly and it's on a decline. Back in November it was 8.6 dkh now it's around 7.2 dkh and my tank is visually not looking what it was the last couple months.
It's a 30 gallon AIO tank.
I've fragged some zoas months ago and they're very extended and look great in my frag tank however, they've not reproduced another polyp once yet... ?