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Search results

  1. Hallowhead

    Clownfish acting funny

    Howdy, My one clownfish has been off the past couple days out of no where. He/she is ~ 3 months old. The clownfish appears to be breathing really heavy the mouth keeps opening and closing at a rapid rate. It practically lays on the rock unless someone walks into the room. When it's time to...
  2. Hallowhead

    WTB Neptune apex fmm

    Looking to monitor my tank a bit more.. can't let it overflow ! Sensors would be great too
  3. Hallowhead

    WTB jebao powerhead

    Any powerheads really including cp series
  4. Hallowhead

    WTB Apex Neptune to Kessil Cable

    Apex Neptune to Kessil Cable
  5. Hallowhead

    Media for Frag Tank Sump

    Howdy, I am deciding what to do for filtration / media for my frag tank. I will have ~10 pounds of rock in my DT. I will put none in the sump. I can't decide if I want filter socks / filter floss media cup, or just bio spheres. Thoughts? My middle chamber will be a refugium and I will hold...
  6. Hallowhead

    WTB Apex vdm + salinity probe

    Look for vdm to control my kessils and a double lab grade salinity probe !!
  7. Hallowhead

    Best LFS for Fish

    Howdy, What's everyone's thought on the best lfs in NJ for fish. I go to Petco and it's super hit or miss for what's in stock. Is there a good store that stocks a LOT of variety?
  8. Hallowhead

    Help with return vibration

    Howdy, I am trying to reduce the vibration on my return line! Not pictured but in the back above the union there is a pipe clamp that keeps the pipe in place against a 2x4. So it's not rattling above that union. When I hold the diagonal pump it gets MUCH quieter, however, not silent. When I...
  9. Hallowhead

    What is this algae??

    It's reddish in color and it's been showing up all over my tank recently. Nothing new was added and my tank was treated for bryopsis not to long ago. Doesn't look like bryoposis .. so that's good
  10. Hallowhead

    Second tank build ! 34 gallon frag tank

    Howdy all, Being that I check local deals everyday it was impossible to pass up on this offer! I picked up a 34 g deep blue frag tank stand and a 30*12*15 advanced acryclic sump for an incredible price. I want to start growing out corals and potentially trying to sell some locally ;) This will...
  11. Hallowhead

    Kessil A160we Lighting Schedule

    Howdy all.. I am trying to get the best lighting schedule for my lights. I am currently growing softies, zoa's, palys & LPS. My lights are suspended 6" from the mesh on my IM 30 Gallon long, so ~ 8" from the water level. I made two programs using the spectral controller but I am nervous that...
  12. Hallowhead

    What is this algae?

    I am hoping it's not bryopsis... WHAT DO I DO!? Do I get a specific fish or invert?
  13. Hallowhead

    Snails & Hermits

    Does anyone have snails & hermits they're willing to sell in northern Jersey? Looking for Nassarius & Astrea & Blue clawed & scarlet
  14. Hallowhead

    WTB Kessil a160

    Looking to buy a single kessil A160 with or without a gooseneck !
  15. Hallowhead

    RO/DI Storage Heater?

    Howdy all! Happy Friday! Quick question: Should I have a heater in my RO/DI water storage? It's in my garage and remains about 55 Fahrenheit. If I was to put a heater in there it would be user heater and or a super cheap one nothing crazy. Or should I only begin to heat it when I am doing...
  16. Hallowhead

    WTB Innovative Marine SR-80.

    With my entire basement flooding and requiring a load of work I am looking to forgo my 30 long and already upgrade to the SR-80 AIO.... if anyone has one in NJ i'd be willing to take if off your hands... for the right price of course.
  17. Hallowhead

    Cure dry Fiji rock

    Howdy! So I came across a deal for 25 pounds of dry fiji live rock for a really good price due to my tank coming with a broken up from marine depot. As everyone knows my tank is empty right now and this rock needs to be cured as I presume.. can I cure it in my live tank as no other life...
  18. Hallowhead

    Good Dry Rock to Use?

    Hello all, As some of you know I got dealt the short straw and my live rock I purchased was LOADED with antipasta so I have to restart. I am not going with live rock again to avoid that from happening. I'd rather purchase from a reputable company / website rather a local LFS that maybe...
  19. Hallowhead

    Innovative Marine 30 AIO Long

    So it begins! I have to back date some pictures as I've had no time to post this! I pretty much decided I was joining the hobby in ~ 2 days. I began doing all the research day 1 and than day 2 eBay & Marine Depot held massive sales... which was obviously a sign right???... we say yes for...
  20. Hallowhead

    First Time Cycling HELP!

    Howdy again all, My brother cycled his 65 gallon tank ~6 years ago and I am not entirely sure I remember the full process. I will lay out my current thought / plan and if you can comment and advise I'd appreciate it. I am starting the innovative marine 30 gallon long... the physical tank is...