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I am trying to keep this hair algae under control but it's exponentially growing / spreading.
My nitrates are low maybe 1 ppm my phosphates are .03 ppm.
I am dosing vibrant weekly & I just added 30 snails & hermits to help out. The issue with the snails is they have not found the...
I am trying to figure out a way to best remove GHA from frag plugs. I try to scrub with a toothbrush but have to go super gently and don't remove much.
Can I do a 60/40 Hydrogen Peroxide dip to kill algae?
I'm involved with a secret santa with my family for Christmas this year and we are required to have a wishlist.. I'm trying to think of some hardware or equipment that I wouldn't typically buy myself but may be seen as a luxury... Open to all suggestions.
So far I have a secondary...
I am looking to get a skimmer going in my frag tank as films of protein are growing all over the glass. It's a 34 gallon tank with a 15 gallon sump.
I was looking at icecap k2-50 or the k1-100.. I've heard good things about both.
I will only have 2 fish most ever. Wrasse and an...
I feel like I know the solution to this problem but I'm wondering if someone else has a better or easier solution.
My return from my overflow into my media cup is coming in faster than my media cup is willing to allow water through and it's causing spillover. I replace the floss as...
I'm trying to figure out how to make my frag tank water more crystal clear and I believe it's my filtration method..
I use a filter media cup with 3 pieces of floss.. I feel like it's not enough.
My water parameters are all in range however some serious detritus
I am trying to figure out how to frag my Duncan. I watch videos and see that when they frag they're cutting stony parts of the coral... This duncan appears to be softy all over. Can I simply cut one of these branches off and glue to a frag plug?
I'm getting ready to frag my first corals and I'm wondering if anyone has experience in cutting zoanthid polyps underwater ?
Reason I ask is some of my frags are glued down and some have spread from their plug. I wanna just get one or two heads to begin propagating in my frag tank...
So my frag tank is cycled for a while now and I have a six line wrasse and one utter chaos frag..
I have algae growing on it as well as my egg crate but can't seem to guess what it is. I think the brown on the egg crate is diatom and the alage on the frag idk. I want to add a...
I need some help mitigating and completely eradicating bubble algae.. My first method of simply removing via hand and tweezers did not work... it only grew back and spread.
What can I do?
I just wanted to share some experiences that I've had & some that have led to a stress free system...
1.) I have built a salt water mixing station
This although may be an expensive route it has eliminated the route of carrying five gallon buckets everywhere, spilling copious amounts of...
I was doing some tank maintenance and cleaning out my QT tank when the amazon delivery man came to drop some packages off. I was asking him what he has planned for today which he replied... fish tank maintenance. I chuckled and was like no way I just finished. So obviously I had to show him...
Need a second quarantine tank setup..
I am looking for a 10 gallon Petco
20 gallon hob or sponge filter + heater
PLEASE if you have in North Jersey will pickup tomorrow