Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I was at the LFS today and they had a small about 31/2-4" star today. I've been looking for a small one for the nano for a while, but I have a pistol coming in from the group buy. Will they be compatible, will I be asking for trouble?
I know this has been discussed in the past but I couldn't find it on my phone. Anyway, yesterday I used a bit of putty to get some frags in place and since then my skimmer has been going crazy in my nano. I've had this problem in the past but the skimmer always seemed to calm down after a couple...
Bought these as tear jerker zoas from But now I'm thinking ked reds. What are your thoughts everyone.
Here they are under daylight only
And blues and whites
Thanks for the help
Cleaning out a few things I don't need to raise money for an upgrade.
Fluval C4 hang on back filter. Used for about 2 months before I upgraded to a AC-110. No media or sponge included. $30
CPR Nano Reactor Beta version. Used for about a month. Comes with Rio 90 pump. $30
Location is Bordentown.
Got a brand new container 225gal at the group buy available for the same as I paid $75. Gonna be switching salts so I won't be needing this. Location is Bordentown. Thanks.
Well I have trying to get my parameters in check for about 2 weeks now. I have been dosing 2 part to get my numbers up to par and was running into problems. Calcium always went in without a problem. Whenever I dose the alkalinity part it would almost instantly precipitate. It has never done this...
Recently got my magnets in.
Today I was bored so I coated in a few layers of this
And drying
And finished
Just in time too cause I was looking at my diy frag rack and noticed that the mag cleaner I used started to rust DI I had to remake it. Any just thought I'd share. Thanks for looking
So tomorrow I'll be changing the substrate in my nano from black course gravel to a proper sand bed. In the near furtue I would like to add a pistol/goby pair.
1st: How deep should I go? my intention was to go about 2" or so.
2nd: Currently living in the nano is 1 blood shrimp, 1 sexy...
Well im finally tired of the black course sand in my nano. It has been collecting detritus like crazy and is a PIA to keep clean. What is the best way to replace? Is removing all fish, coral, and rock the best way to go? Store everything in buckets, and do the swap. Also once the swap has been...
It's amazing what a proper system is capable of. I tried to use a small portable system without a pump and basically ended up buying my water for the last 8 months. Bought this from tgee. I can already feel the extra money in pocket. For the very few of those still buying water. This is a must.
Had to wake up early for work today and I got a look at my tank at 4:30am. I counted 21 of these guys.
What kind of snails are they, are they collonista's? All are about the 1/2 the size of a pea and smaller. Needless to say I have never added them myself. I have never noticed them before...
My wife has given me her blessing and I am now in the planning stages of a 75gal build. I intend to also have a display fuge with all the bells and whistles tied into the system. My intentions are to run it as follows:
Instead of buying a reef ready tank it is my intention to drill I want to...
Here are a couple of pics this is on some of my rocks. Mostly on the lower areas of tank. Good flow in that area. MP-10 in a 20H. Should be adequate flow all around.
Here's the pics
ADD: when I touch it it is very smooth, not so much slimy, any very tight to the rock not really flowing
Well I mixed all the parts and realized instead of adding water to total 1 gal, I added 1 gal of water to each of the calcium and alk and 20oz of water to the mag. I essentially diluted the mixture to much, though not by much. Have I ruined this batch or can I go ahead and use it?
So finally I have gotten sick of looking at it so how do I clean it. It seems to be hard water staining on the top few and bottom few inches of the glass. I have tried razor blades but it does not do anything. To touch it feels a bit more rough then the rest of the glass. It was there when I got...
So I woke up this morning and was taking a look at the nano. Noticed that my ORA Jeremys monti was dead. On the last little bit I noticed a something. It looked like a grainy very tiny whiteish micro brittle star. When I git it out I noticed that it was not a star. I looked up Monti E Nudis and...
I picked this guy up today at my LFS. Sold to me as a true percula. Clearly the patterns are different. Actually the patterns are completely different on each side. Complete with broken bars. How would this be classified. I really liked the pattern and he was cheap. Here are the pics. Sorry...
I've recently switched to this salt. Was using RC before. I had a bit of the RC left and mixed the two together to help with the changeover. I have noticed that there has been a pretty heavy coating of precipitate on my heater and pump after mixing. I usually mix 5 gal at a time and am mixing at...
Is there any trick to getting a well grown clown to accept anything other then pellets and frozen brine. My guess is that that is all this guy ate while growing up. I have rod's, formula a, frozen mysis, and my homemade frozen. He won't touch any of it. He will try it then spit it out any goes...
For those of you that use this, can I ask where you get the ingredents for the calcium(Dowflake), and magnesium(Mag Flakes). I have been looking and can't find. Then I found a thread somewhere suggesting that Dowflake may not be OK to use anymore. Thanks in advance for the assist.