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Search results

  1. jgraz

    Water change question

    Just curious, but I have been doing 5gal changes in my 20h weekly. While it does not take to long I was wondering if there is any benefit to doing a 1gal daily change. Actually I was thinking the same for my 44 pentagon. I have been doing a 10gal change every 2 week there. Is there any benefit...
  2. jgraz

    Weird acro question

    So I'm feeding my tank and I decided to throw a bit of cyclops in there. Next thing I see is all these weird tentacles coming from my green slimer. I never noticed it before. The slimer has had awesome polyop extension for a while now but this is a first. Does anyone know what's happening. They...
  3. jgraz

    Water Chemisry Help

    Hey everyone. I could use a bit of assistance here. With the new setup of my nano came some new issues i need to address. Estimated volume is about 23gal. Here are my current parameters, tested yesterday, all API test kits. Temp-76*-78* PH-8.0-8.2(color was kind of in between) KH-7 Ammonia-0...
  4. jgraz

    Thanks Stan (SMCOOLER)

    Big thanks to you for those great pieces. You will not be disappointed with you choice here. Really more mini Colony then frag. I wish I could have seen you system before the crash. But glad to see your still giving it a go. Looking forward to coming back for more when they are ready. Thanks...
  5. jgraz

    Reef epoxy

    I used a bit of 2 part reef epoxy eariler today and since then Everytime I turn the skimmer back on even on lowest setting it overflows very fast. How long does it take till the effects of the epoxy wear off. Thanks in advance John
  6. jgraz

    Emerald Crab AKA demon crab

    I have a new found hatred for these f'n things. I have 2 in my 44 corner that i hardly see. When I do they are hard at work on the algea. So I picked up one for my nano. Came home today and found him mounted atop my ORA Birdsnest and half of the poylps, GONE. Needless to say he is also gone...
  7. jgraz

    Clown not eating

    So almost a week ago I pick these guys up at Petco I employee there stated they had them there for about 3 weeks and that they were eating great. Both looked fat and happy when I got them. Since then the smaller of the two pretty much stays on the side of my DT kind of hidden by thge rocks...
  8. jgraz

    Monti ID help please

    I picked this piece up about 3 or 4 weeks ago. It was completely brown but showed tiny blue polyps, so I figured I would give it a shot. Here it is now. The rim is kind of blue/purple and the rest is kind of red/pink. Tiny blue polyps still there. Anyone know if this has any type of special...
  9. jgraz

    Apollo LEDS 120W

    Been seeing a lot of talk about the 120w LEDS again so I figured I'd get this up for sale. I appears to be the typical unit but Apollo claims that only the case is mass produced. As per Apollo the LED's run at 2 watts they are 40 Blues and 15 Whites all with 60* optics. Also upgraded is the...
  10. jgraz

    Plumbing Assistance

    Could someone please confirm this for me. Everything is dry fitted. But want to make sure it looks good before I glue. Thanks in advance for the help John
  11. jgraz

    SPS spacing

    When I originally placed these two corals, a orange cap and what I belive to be montipora spongodes. I had no idea they would end up doing this well. Now they are getting pretty close to each other. There is actually only about 1/4" between them, and they are growing fast. Will they just...
  12. jgraz

    Allquatics sale

    Just got back and noticed they had a 1 day sale going. I got 30% off coral and 30% off a Shrimp I purchased. The guy there stated that it was 30% off all fish/inverts/coral. Just figures I let you guys know.
  13. jgraz

    Corals Bleaching ?'s

    Im having a hard time telling if I am seeing a bleaching of the coral. I have seen some favorable changes such as a montipora ture undata changing from all brown to a green body with a purple rim and ridges, and some green slimer frags go from browned with no extension to bright green with some...
  14. jgraz

    20H rimless

    Does anyone know if these are around. I can get it at glasscages.com but the cost is way too much.
  15. jgraz

    jgraz's SPS 20H build

    Well my wife put the kbosh on my upcoming 75 build so my nano is coming early. Shooting for a SPS heavy nano, though i may need to add a few Zoo's too. Here the plan: DT-20gal high Sump/Fuge-10g Glass holes super nano overflow Glass holes 1/2" return SICCE SYNCRA 1.5 return pump Skimmer-...
  16. jgraz

    WRB Jedi Mind Trick Monti

    Title says it all. All I need is a frag. Thanks
  17. jgraz

    Almost averted disaster, I think

    Well I get home last night at about 9pm to the smell of something burning. I trace it to the room that houses my tank. Finally I find out that my F'n prizim skimmer that I was just recently telling someone how well it seems to work for me, is leaking. The o-ring that seal the collection cup is...
  18. jgraz

    Ultimate Reefs

    Anyone ever hear of this place on Rt 35 in Ocean, NJ I was checking Craigslist and came across their ad
  19. jgraz

    WTB: Booster pump for 100GPD RO/DI

    Title says it all. I got 40PSI at my house and it it takes 4hrs to make 1 gallon. I need a pump to help me out. Thanks in advance
  20. jgraz

    Zoo and Chalice ID Please?

    Got these at the NJ frag Swap last week and forgot the name. Does anyone know? Got this at the store Yesterday and they did not know. Im thinking Alien Eye Chalice, is that right? Thanks in advance John