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Search results

  1. jgraz


    So I just got my RO DI yesterday and I went to use it only to find my home water pressure is at 40psi. This thing is making water slow. Even though it is a 100gpd system Im only seeing about 1gal per hr, is this what I'm to expect. Or is something off? Thanks John
  2. jgraz

    Mh/T5ho combo opinions wanted

    I saw this in another site and was a bit interested in it for the upcoming build. Just looking for opinions. here is the fixture...
  3. jgraz

    Upcoming Build epuipment assist

    Alright everyone, Im in the planning stages of my 75 gal build. This is gonna be my first upgrade to my basically pieced together 44 gal corner pentagon. So any advice on parts would be great. I know what I need just not sure which ones to go with. Tank: 75gal, have not decided on rimless or...
  4. jgraz

    Vendor Discounts

    Just curious, but do any of the vendors offer discounts to NJRC members? If so do you guys know who and how much?
  5. jgraz

    RO/DI availability and Salt mixing Problems

    Hey guys. What places in jersey sell RO/DI water. I have found tropiquarium, but they are kind of far. Im in bordentown. Lots of places by me sell just RO water. Also on a slightly different note. I have been using RO only water. I have been mixing salt and letting it circulate for about 3 or...
  6. jgraz

    T5 HO reflectors

    OK so im relitivly new to all this and im not sure if i can add reflectors to my current light. My tank is a 44 gal corner pentagon. This is the light I have http://www.aquatraders.com/20-inch-4x18W-T5-Aquarium-Light-Fixture-p/52302.htm. When I started this i was not sure which way I was gonna...
  7. jgraz

    My first, FOWLR, 44 gal pentagon

    Well let me start by saying that this tank was supposed to be a FW system until my son saw "Nemo" at the store. So I do some research and begin. I currently have a 44 Gal Corner Pentagon with a HOB Fluval C4 filter, T5-HO lighting(2 daylight/2 atinic/ +led moonlight). Tank has approx. 61 lbs of...